Selling 15^50 Wingblade + 15% Always (-10 AR) Butterfly Sword
Auction Starting Time: September 10th, 4 PM
Auction Ending Time: September 13th, 4 PM
Starting Price of Wingblade: 300k
Buyout Price of Wingblade: 450k
Starting Price of Butterfly Sword: 225k
Buyout Price of Butterfly Sword: 325k
Please post offers in this thread, rather than PM me.
At the end of the auction I'll PM the winner my IGN.
For payment I would like gold only, it can be handled with by the situation explained in the thread link below.
I reserve the right not to sell either weapons for whatever purpose, if I decide not to.
since nobody bid on ur items ill bid 15k on each
IGN-Bruno Armanno
IGN-Bruno Armanno
No one bid because the starting prices are simpley retarded. It's too bad someone spent 60K+ for each totally useless sundering mod.
Anyway, if they're still available, at somewhat realistic prices, 50K on each.
Anyway, if they're still available, at somewhat realistic prices, 50K on each.
take it back i cant compete w/you