Well lets have a vote?
Would you pay a 100g entry fee to a guild hall that would be for trading purposes?
Entry Fee Temp or Perm; is not desided in this vote.
Reasons why proposed
Trading Central: Instead of traveling from district to district of ascalon or lions arch or various other places for materials and various mod's or whatever reason, Guild halls can be accessed even by your lv 1 mules; I think even PvP only charrs aswell.
Change of scenery; I was thinking a nice caribbean island with a nice view.
Guild Anncoument's of Currency items; Ecto, Shards, ect[Members/officers VOTE] why vote? fair and equal pawn shops if people would like to trade in currency items for pure gold.
Moderators[Officers] could listen and disscuss complaints from invited guests and take action; of course we are going to figure out how to tell weither or not some one is "scamming" ; screen shots perhaps or mulitple complaints from guests would be considered.
What this would do; lighten the load on "spam", flames about "USE TRADE CHAT ONLY" within towns, esecally ones whom are looking for groups for missons and such.
Pawn Shops Want to be one? I say anyone with currency items and enoff gold to handle demands can be one; of no charge(to become), however will pawn shops have a trade fee? like a stock market trade fee per Trade; not per item.
*Pawn shop items? currency item ranges thru any Materials[possable vote for common material values?]
No storage[Vault Keeper] within the guild hall; pawn shop people would find it diffacult to stay "open for besiness" if there getting bambarded with "ill buy ecto", "need to trade ecto for gold" and have the 100K onhand all the time.
Spam? well how will this be handled? will the Trade Chat only be inforced? With a crowd of trading people I would expect the trade chat only not to be enforced; what else are you there to do you know?
*Weapons Traders like more than 6 items and multiple spams; I would reccomend posting on forums if there "Worth Alot" or Say "Selling<color><types>" within the guild hal,l Not a perm rule but a guide line to better the trading experiance.
Scammersthis one is still an unknown for screenshots; imageshack and send link would be the best bet, mulitple conpliants from multi users or even if cought by Mod/Officer's; punishment unknown; revoke guest? ban several days? warning system? could be voted on by users perhaps.
Well thats a pretty well rounded suggestion;
You can post wether or not you like this idea / or not.
Leave comments/suggestions for parts you did like/dislike.
the more we know the better it may become.
Guild Hall of trading.
not if it's a guild hall
Could you leave reasons why?
im fine with going back to lions arch and spam for hr's on end.
But i like this idea better; for having a central point.
if they made an Auction house; i wouldnt even post this idea.
im fine with going back to lions arch and spam for hr's on end.
But i like this idea better; for having a central point.
if they made an Auction house; i wouldnt even post this idea.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
This idea would be good if there are Xunlai Storage Agents in the Guild Hall.
I do not understand why there are no Xunlai Storage Agents for the Guild Hall.
I do not understand why there are no Xunlai Storage Agents for the Guild Hall.
basicly my reason(s) are that I feel the guild hall is a private place for guilds to get away from all the spamming and immature ranting chat. Also it looks to me that they weren't really designed to handle mass trading like that. Now that's not to say I wouldn't want a mass trading place. In fact, I feel that in order for an auction house to be most effect it should have it's own spot on the map, seperate from towns. They probably will put in an auction/trading spot in the near future it just takes time.
I agree with johnnylange. There needs to be some kind of Traders out post or auction house. I get tired of all the WTS spam I see in every town. Would be nice to make the traders place with different areas you can walk to for certain items, break it down some how.
i only see one drawback to this excellent idea....how if youre already in a guild , would you be able to toggle between the two to trade.
Guest pass; you can travel to thier hall.
Hey Deviance. It already exists (In one form at least)
eh i hope the frog doesnt backout of his text about a place of trading or w/e.