Question About Online Games???
I was just wondering which online games (mmorpg) yall have played and recommended(Everquest, WOW, Shadowbane,RYL)? Only interested in d&d or similar style rpgs. This is the first online game Ive ever played and have a blast with it. Just wanting some suggestions for future reference. Ive also heard rumors of a D&D online game, is this for real, and when does it come out, whats it called? Thanks in advance
well no mater what forum you go to youll get the answer for the game the forum is for it's common cents . i like to read magazines and websites to see what they offer. but its all mostly opinion. : P
The D&D game is probably Neverwinter Nights. I highly recommend it, although I have not played it online. Rumor has it a new NwN engine is coming out soon.
try this for new d&d mmorpg. link is to a trailer but could get more info by just going to the fileplanet site as well