i dont see whats so bad about the stone summit i mean look wat they let me have
mmm giant summit cookie of power
Drago Solaris
Lag Hell
Kinda hard to make out, but i see a gear-like thingy, ur ranger can eat that??
Neutral Tyrant
Originally Posted by Lag Hell
Kinda hard to make out, but i see a gear-like thingy, ur ranger can eat that??
wow Ehh you don't exactly put it in your mouth...
wow Ehh you don't exactly put it in your mouth...
hmm, i'm pretty sure i played with you, i'm sure i played with some ranger named drago running around with a cookie :|
oh yeah that was you >__>
oh yeah that was you >__>
Wow, the 1 way to beat a djinn is to stay VERY close together.
lool i hope it was chocolate chip!
Drago Solaris
ya that was me you played with and after evry 1 left me and bodhi did pretty well we cleared the place of those mole thingys but then we both got bored and left meh