Edit by Chief: Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about Multiple Auctions. Do not start a new auction until a full 24 hours have past since your most recent auction, unless you sell all of the item(s) in your most recent auction. We do this so that everyone has an equal opportunity on the sell forum. When your Thread is Locked/Closed, you must wait 24 hours before creating a new thread.
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Wooden Buckler (gold)
armor:16 req 8 tactics
+45hp enchant
-2dmg hexed
starting bid 10k
b/o 80k
letting it run for a few days
ign : gwenyth augustus
can pm me if you want...
Gold Max Buckler (8 tac req) +45hp enchant -2dmg
I'll start, 10k
Ruoenkruez Tudor
40k cuz i really want this shield
Ill B/o my ign is Crimson Barbarian, what is yours?
Chris the Motley
if you havent sold yet, ill bid 85k
ign evan keel
ign evan keel