Up for a challenge, I decided to try the bonus (having never done it before for this mission). Mursaat?! Dear God, this was a mistake...but my henchmen - troopers in all of their artificial intelligent glory - stuck to the targets and managed to rezz me and their four buddies before the next onslaught (read: slaughter). All was going well, infact, I felt I was actually achieving something wonderful that I may not have been able to experience without such blind dedication on behalf of my henchmen comrades.
But there was a turn for the worst...
In my zeal, the final leg of the trip cost several lives. Desperate for the final mission's cinematic, I made a desperate decision - run for the boat! And then...the degen set in. Before I knew it, I was...well...below is the aftermath, please make note of the caption.

Note: there are three henchmen in this picture - Mage and Fighter stood still next to me, Lina (you can make her out as the twig in the black sand, about 11 o'clock from Orion) decided she was quite fine to path out of range back and forth along that ridge.
Now - consider for a moment what this post is *really* about - a potential new feature in GuildWars.
What If:
Upon dieing in a group that contained henchmen, you spectated one of your CPU comrades, and
What If:
You saw a button upon doing so - this button simply said: "Play"
What If:
After clicking this button, you were now in control of the henchman you were previously spectating. You can now play as the henchman in question, so long as you're still dead. When resurrected, you're immediately transported back to the mortal coil from whence you came.
After talking it over with some friends and guildmates, a few problems came to our immediate attention -
Exploitation of the feature:
"More than one player on a henchman a.k.a. the Multiple Personality Problem"
How about coding a simple boolean to check whether or not someone's already playing before clicking the - you know - "Play" button.
"Why would you want to get rezzed?"
This is a team-based game, isn't it? I suppose you could continue as the henchman...but, why? To play devil's advocate - after a 3 hour haul through <insert end-game area here>, it might be nice to "try" something new...even if temporarily.
"...what about sacrificing necros running themselves through the game?"
Again, why? The only pre-crystal desert hechmen that are arguably capable of anything faster than a runner are in the Temple of Ages. If somebody has a valid argument as to why this is such a damaging threat to the implementation of such a feature, please mention it. I'm drawing a blank.
I'm kindly asking for the Guildwarsguru.com community to discuss this idea with me. The feature, in its simplest form requires some sort of "activation" that swaps the player between bodies. It would also (likely) require some sort of addendum to the Resurrection Shrine function - as an "afk-ish" mortal player would be an awful bug. In addition, the Menu would still have to be accessible when in the henchman - the option to log out would be useful.
Some quick things to note before posting:
Henchmen *do* have set skills and armor levels - please do not suggest that they have access to every skill in the game. There are published lists of what the use, and I believe it varies between regions (exploitable?)
Henchmen *do* follow each other. Unless I'm mistaken, Stefan is usually the "leader," so to speak. That is, as long as the priority members of the group aren't under attack and there's only movement taking place, the autofollow command is usually on Stefan, after all mortal players have either run out of range or died.
Henchmen *do* do damage comparable (sometimes better than your average player

Last, but not least, I want to thank everyone in advance for reading and potentially discussing this idea. I feel it would be a widely appreciated implement, as we've ALL been in situations like my screenshot above. Should anyone feel the need to contact me in-game about this idea - maybe out of boredom, I'd be more than happy to chat about it. Let's make this a constructive post worthy of attention by Arena.Net!
By the way, I had to restart the mission...but remain convinced if there was an intelligent being behind Lina, I would've been able to walk those last six inches...