Little Girl Quest(s)
With the little girl right outside Ascalon, I know you give her a flute and then you can buy her another one that isn't broken. I've also been told to give her a cape and 5 flowers. Is this true? I bought a damn cape for 200 and she won't take it... I don't have the option. I haven't tried the 5 flowers yet... any advice? What do you get for it?
You have to give her the flowers first. Then talk to her and she'll ask for the cape.
Give it to her.
Then she'll say something about you being her favorite person besides "Mommy" and she'll give youan item called Tapestry Shred.
I still don't know what to do with it, I've been asking around and nobody else knows...
Give it to her.
Then she'll say something about you being her favorite person besides "Mommy" and she'll give youan item called Tapestry Shred.
I still don't know what to do with it, I've been asking around and nobody else knows...
So, it is 5 flowers?
Originally Posted by Marduke|Nathan
So, it is 5 flowers?
I gave her the cape, new flute, and only one flower and I got the tapestry piece.
Where can you get this cape?
what kind of flowers?
Pandora's box
I notices she wants flowers. Whats the object of this quest? I"m about to move on to the phase after the war, should I do this quest first?
Originally Posted by Blackace
You can buy the cape from a mechant, I dont remember which one off hand though :/
I never bought her the cape and she still gave me the tapestry shred. Is that a glitch or something?
Originally Posted by Jaide
I never bought her the cape and she still gave me the tapestry shred. Is that a glitch or something?
Oh, that makes sense. I did give her a ton of flowers because I figured something would happen if I kept giving them to her. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Originally Posted by Sultan
I think all merchant's have this as their last item to buy...

Ashe Quixon
you can get it from the merchant that is by the wagon with those other two people, next to the field with all the worms in it and the town that Devona is in. It's 200 gold.
so what do u do with this tapestry
I heard the tapestry shred is used near the end of the game to open the way to a secret gnome level. Like Wirt's Leg and The Cow Level in Diablo 2.
Originally Posted by Ashe Quixon
you can get it from the merchant that is by the wagon with those other two people, next to the field with all the worms in it and the town that Devona is in. It's 200 gold.
peace. |