Well, I am starting up a page on my website (still under construction) to make it easier for mine, and others guilds to find unranked challengers for practice, fun, or whatever. You can see what I mean at http://www.calistrike.net. If you have any more questions, just post here. If you are interested in having your guild name added to the list, post your:
Guild Name:
Guild Tag:
Guild Leader:
Guild PvP Officers:
Guild Hall:
Guild Rank (approx.):
Guild Rating (approx.):
I will add your name to the list asap. I just figure it may be a good little resource to make it easier for aspiring GvGers to find battles to practice with.
Also, if you would be interested in having your own section for your guild on our forums, you can PM me for information about it.
Anyways, thank you, and good luck!
(>.> I hope this doesn't count as a type of "recruiting")
GvG Guild Database