Feast Of corruption
The Red Knight
wow thats over 550 damage. What a tasty main dish lol
FOC is quite a nice spell, since the new update i can now buy the skill using faction, getting it via pve is quite difficult, unless your guild can help you out.
ive also been toying with the spell, i tried arcane echo too , still finding other ways to make it effective.
ive also been toying with the spell, i tried arcane echo too , still finding other ways to make it effective.
How much damage is that per target?
with 18 curses i guess its 93 dmg and then 46 life stealing.
how did you get 18 curses? The most even with a sup rune is 16...
nvm awaken the blood
nvm awaken the blood
Originally Posted by kirkmping
how did you get 18 curses? The most even with a sup rune is 16...
nvm awaken the blood LOL you realised it before you posted it hehehe
nvm awaken the blood LOL you realised it before you posted it hehehe
agent of ascalon
A NERD1989
looks good ill try and screen one of my own
<3 Feast of Corruption + Suffering
Throw in Desecrate Enchantments if you want to add in some more damage.
Throw in Desecrate Enchantments if you want to add in some more damage.
Storm Crow
that ele's a spiker
that ele's a spiker
whats with the pure builds i keep see'n....
like that guys is E
iv seen a few R's...
like that guys is E
iv seen a few R's...
I rarely use the skills from my support job as a RNG :x At least with this build.
Mr Jazzy
dmg per target is 139 (93+46)
Hanuman li Tosh
lol & i have ppl telling me that build sucks.
thats only in 4v4 arena, and thats only one casting not the echo. so in hoh/gvg it has the potential to do 4x that damage.
thats only in 4v4 arena, and thats only one casting not the echo. so in hoh/gvg it has the potential to do 4x that damage.