Take for example
I considered playing E/W focusing purely on melee only. With this combo I'd have a huge energy supply for warrior attack skills as well as mixing it with elementalist spells.
Now people might point out that Elementalist's have lower armor than a Warrior.. but I'd like to point out that with points in Earth or Water I could easily have more armor than a Warrior. Consider, 60 base armor, +53 from Armor of Earth for a total of 113 armor vs everything with a bonus of +15 armor vs 1 element. Yes you do move slower with Armor of Earth, but in the middle of a fight that probably won't matter (thinking PvE here). Or if you go water you can use Armor of Mist for 94 armor plus +15 vs 1 element. Armor of Earth can be kept on permanently since the skill recharges in 15 seconds while Armor of Mist will leave you with lesser defense for 12 seconds. Other water option is Armor of Frost which would give you 100 armor vs physical while reducing your defence vs fire down to 36 (51 if you have Pyromancer Armor) and every other element will have 75 armor but you will be left at base armor for 16 seconds.
Now I've established that with Armor of Earth an elementalist can easily enough match a warrior for armor level. The only thing it can't match is damage absorbtion since only Warrior's can use Runes of Absorbtion or have armor which provides damage absorbtion.
So whats the problem? To do this relies heavily on enchantments. All the armor spells I've mentioned are classed as Enchantment spells. And ANet in their wisdom have flooded the game with enchantment strippers. Once you hit Ruins of Surmia mission you can basically forget ever using an enchantment spell ever again.. unless you want to take damage when it gets stripped. There are places where critters don't strp enchantments, but the vast majority of area's in the game - especially the missions - all have creature's which strip enchantments.
This means E/W being played as a warrior type is pointless & moot, as the only way to get armor willbe removed as soon as you get into a fight and forget re-casting it as they will strip them right away again. Only solution is to kill the enchantment strippers 1st - but how? If you blast em with elementalist spells.. why not just stick to the spells? If you attack with melee you'll get hit harder because your defense is not up and that will hurt. and you'll end up having to do this every fight.. run in to kill 1 or 2 critters taking major damage doing so just so you can put up your defense to kill the rest.
Now I know E/W might be a "stupid" thought.. and "not" what an Elementalist is about. But thats my point. If I play as an elementalist primary, I've been pigeonholed into playing a spellcasting character. If I want to play a sword wielding elementalist who has same armor as warrior via spells with huge energy pool to draw from for attack skills .. I can forget it as the way PvE is made it's impossible for me to do.
Or am I missing something here? And btw, to anyone who says "send in the henchies 1st"... that doesn't work. I have tried (using my current nuking elementalist) to send them in and then go in after them with an enchantment on me.. and it got stripped right away even though everything was attacking the henchies.
and btw, please don't say "but you couldn't use runes!". Thats not my point here. I know I can't use warrior runes, but it shouldn't matter too much.. apart from the Absorbtion Rune's..
In the same way they have pigeonholed Monk's to be healers, and reven then the healing options is limited. Why? Because most of monks skills are enchantments.... and unless your playing with players you can forget ever being able to maintain those enchantments on anyone. This means you can forget smiting monks..
Smiting monks *do* work in PvE in certain area's. But what does a smithing monk do when they get into fights where there every attempt to smite just gets stripped causing them to heal themselves or the party member who had the smite enchants on them?
How does someone play a smiting monk in PvE once they hit Ruins of Sumia since 7 out of 17 skills are enchantments? And the others there are either elites or have huge recharge times. So even if you try and rely on the non-enchantment skills.. you better have time to wait for the skills to recharge... and dont' forget some of them are conditional - these rely on the target trying to heal, sacrifice life or have a hex on them.
Sure it could work, but your selection of what you can do is limited and those recharge times on the few skills you can use are not very nice considering the damage those skills do.
Oh and lets look at the ever popular Mo/W - apart from certain regions in the game does this work? You have less armor than warrior and no defense spells. You do have access to very nice energy stores for energy based attacks as well as skills that help keep your energy up as well as gaining adrenaline.. as well as making your damage holy damage which is cool... but wait! to do that you need enchantments.. whoops. Guess you won;t be able to attack with weapons in most of the game because of enchantment stripping.
Now for Ranger - we all know that Ranger as a secondary doesn't offer too much (apart from those W/R using it for 1 skill.. pfft). As a primary your semi pigeonholed into attacking with bow or pet as you don't have the energy to blast things with elementalist spells.. although you can mix it with mesmer for interrupting.. but again, pigeonholed into attacking with bow. R/W? that works, but seems from what I've read it's "frowned" upon.
Mesmer - can mix it up quite a bit. can play elementalist and get those spells off fast, but with lack of energy won't have the total punch an elementalist could have giving the chance (remember PvE). m/w? no defense spells, but can lock targets down so it doesn't matter, but lesser energy. against mass groups might have trouble because of armor. M/R? this works if your playing for interrupts.. can mix wand/bow attacks as needed. But again if you look at the options, it's still all about being a mesmer and doing what they do. So still pigeonholed.
Necros - if your not using necros skills to support henchies/groupies or heal yourself, etc.. then why play necros? Actually, an option that works is N/W. Can melee with decent armor and only needs a few necros skills to work out. This is one of the few combo's that doesn't rely too heavily on the 1st profession to work and doesn't require enchantments either. every other N combo is basically a mix of necro and the other profession to work out.. N/E .. lower energy but this can work if you can kill fast and have SR.. N/R .. errm yeah.. bow attacking necro? why? more energy? you'll need it without expertise.. pet user? pfft.. if you use pet skills you'll lack necro skills.. if you ignore pet skills your pet's just used for minion fodder.. N/M .. mix of mesmer and necros.. why Me? I'd say for condition locking and inturrupts.. N/Mo - monk is for what.. healing? heh.. still going to end up relying on necro skills..
Oh and E/W isn't "pigeon-holed" since you don't have to use any E skills apart from armor and wards - it's not what you'd say an Elementalist is all about.. but you have options to do something else.
That's what I mean when I say pigeonholed - your not able to play anything apart from the "stock standard" for each profession for the majority of the game. Your forced to play a certain style for each profession simply because the game prevents you from doing anything else - or you can do it, but you'll be suffering a huge disadvantage.
I mean they give you the means to play as something different but make sure you can't. Considering the ways to play as something different usually involves the use of enchantments to let you do something you normally couldn't do.. but due to what they have done in PvE you can forget that. Or no matter how you twist it your still playing the way the class is to be played..
Or am I just a total and utter idiot? Please remember I'm talking about the PvE game and not PvP with the consideration that you'd be using henchies and not real players - since if you have a good group of people you can play as wacky things and generally get it to work since the other's can help and support you as you help and support them... henchies don't do that.
I can think of a few combo's that can work doing a mix of the 2 profession's, but it's still a duality and still playing the main profession the way it's been pigeon-holed as being.
But for me I've been thinking about different combo's, but every combo I considered (apart from a few) relied on enchantments or were too close to the "original" profession "intentions" as to not really be considered different.. It just makes me wonder... we've been given a huge option of different profession combinations and skills.. yet the vast majority of off-beat combo's and idea's won't work because of what they have done in the game - they work on paper, but not reality.
I don't know.. I know I'm not the smartest player around and I know I don't know everything there is in the game. It just seem's that when I tried to consider playing combo's of profession' which were "different" I realized they either wouldn't work because of the way PvE has been setup or they were still close enough to their main profession as to not really be that different. It just seems to be that profession's are pigeonholed into set roles/routes and trying to do anything different is impossible.. even though they provide you the means of doing things "different."
I would love to have some feedback on this. I want to know what i've missed if anything.... I just want to learn

PS. Pigeonholed? Is that the right term for if something is sort of being forced to play the one way and anything else is discouraged?