Vary rare Gold Smitting & Holy Rods & Staff, Gold 14%>50 Max Flamberge GOING QUIK
Some of these r from my collection for Pers Use but i found the item ive been looking for just low on k right now, This isnt really a auction but u can place a bid if u like, If something here catches your Eye drop me a PM or Ingame PODO SMOKE. I need to raise cash kinda quik so good buyout offers will be considerd. OK good luck people.
Well I got what the items i was despretly raising cash for, but im broke so if someone wants to make a offer on any of these items, Pm or Ingame PODO SMOKE.
10k gold rod req 11 divine favor.. u really should number your items
<--- ign
<--- ign
Originally Posted by Ashallendt
10k gold rod req 11 divine favor.. u really should number your items
<--- ign Which one? There are 2 with req 11 DF.
Anyway, 10K on the Holy Rod with +14E, -1E regen if it is not the one Ashallendt bid on.
<--- ign Which one? There are 2 with req 11 DF.
Anyway, 10K on the Holy Rod with +14E, -1E regen if it is not the one Ashallendt bid on.
5k on the first smiting rod
ign gwenyth augustus
ign gwenyth augustus
Sai of Winter
How much for the Gold Holy Rod with +14 energy and energy regeneration -1?