Full Stats:
Slashing Dmg: 6-28 (req. 9 Axe Mastery)
Damage +15% (Health above 50%)
Axe Mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Double Adreniline on hit (Chance 10%)
Purchase Requirements:
100k gold + ecto/shards. Nothing else. Must sell soon so please be quick as possible on responds.
Note: Ecto/Shards must be traded at a comperable trade value.
400k Worth Is the Buyout.
WTS: The Ultra Rare Green Razorstone Axe
Tarus From Taros
Lord Bentam
xD .. wow
Thanks for the laugh
Thanks for the laugh
Originally Posted by Lord Bentam
xD .. wow
Thanks for the laugh Heh it's not too funny , I sold mine for 300k . It's just people are trying to sell it now because they know how common it's going to be in the up comming week or two ;P.
Thanks for the laugh Heh it's not too funny , I sold mine for 300k . It's just people are trying to sell it now because they know how common it's going to be in the up comming week or two ;P.
Tarus From Taros
CO is at 200k
Sir Aurik
lol..... wow ur a noob.......
You gotta love the name of the thread... cuz green weapons are ULTRA RARE!!! (note sarcasm). If ANY green item sells for over 35k, I would be supprised (and I would probably have to slap the buyer for their severe case of retardation).
The milk shake
i would both slap the buyer for being a total idiot and the seller for being a scammer.
this isnt ULTRA rare... lol.. ive seen about 10 being sold at lions arch today.... in 2 - 3 weeks this would be worth less than 50k.