How Many Guilds ar In Guild Wars?
Ice Heart
I know this question is probably a Have to play to find out sort of thing, but how many guilds are in Guild Wars? How do you join one of them? If these are already answered, forgive me.
Devil's Dictionary
Here is a link to a GW ladder and those aren't all of GW's guilds.
You join them by asking their leader.
You join them by asking their leader.
How many Guild are in Guild Wars, that depends, it's probably fairly safe to assume that the number of Guilds will not remain constant. I would guess, by looking at the Guild Ladder that there are somewhere around 900+ Guilds, but that is just for the BWE, that number will grow when the game is released.
As far as joining a Guild goes, all you have to do is be invited by one of the "Leaders" of the Guild. How you go about getting them to invite you is up to you. You can find most of the Guilds have a thread on one or more of the forums throughout the all the internet.
As far as joining a Guild goes, all you have to do is be invited by one of the "Leaders" of the Guild. How you go about getting them to invite you is up to you. You can find most of the Guilds have a thread on one or more of the forums throughout the all the internet.
Ice Heart
Holy Scrat, that's a freakin lot of Guilds. I thought the Game contained all the Guilds you could join, I did not know Gamers could make their own guilds?
that is the purpose of it
start a guild yourself with friends of yours and let other people you like join you maybe
find someone in a pvp or pve and if they are good people ask to join them maybe
lots of choices
start a guild yourself with friends of yours and let other people you like join you maybe
find someone in a pvp or pve and if they are good people ask to join them maybe
lots of choices
Ice Heart
I see where it is all leading to now. I get it.
Whosa Skylore
ifyou go to TGH forums and into the guild forums part, theyre are a massive amount of threads that will say like "so and so is recruting, we are a guild based on going to #1/having fun" just look around maybe youll find the right guild for you maybe you wont :/
for example my guild is recruiting. I think the ladder only list the top 1000 guilds. Ones like mine that were created last BWE and didn't enter GvG are not listed on the ladder. i imagine that the ones listed on the ladder that didn't enter GvG wer e in the first 1k of guilds to be created after the guild wipe and character reset.
Along that player creating guilds line ... I just like to pray that one day the dev's come up with a system to actually walk into your guild or another guild and hang out, or even raid another guilds loot. hehe i know far fetched ... but it would be fun! And yes from a dev's perspective I know this would be next to impossible because now your actually making the terrain itself a variable that can expand to ridiculous sizes. But one can dream!
Yeah, its fun to think of stuff like that. Its not trhat immpossible. Just it is difficult.And you know, one thing at a time. Maybe in the future.... yeah.