Lagging Issues... running out of ideas


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



I have a Dell 9100 laptop, with a radeon 9700 graphics card. I am in Europe but play on the American server (as the people I play the game with are from the States and the American servers are more stable than the Euro ones) and have done for around 2 months. I have 2MB broadband connection.

Up until the 'PvP' weekend, I had minimal lag. It happened every now and again and I could live with that. Since the PvP weekend, I have permanent lag. My character is sluggish, as though she's walking through water or walking against a gale. Key responses are slow, loading screens go from 0-100% quickly then remain on 100% for 30sec-1min. I would really like to play again but it's just unplayable in it's current state. As I said in the title, I've run out of ideas and any hints, tips would be appreciated.

I have tried the following:-

* checked graphics drivers on Dell site - current one already installed
* Uninstalled/reinstalled GW - made no difference
* defragged the drive - There are a few files which will not defrag (GW is not one of them)
* scanned and removed adware/spyware
* virus checked
* checked I have latest windows update
* checked internet connection speeds
* changed virtual memory settings

All of the above is ok. As stated, it was fine before the PvP weekend.

Not sure if this will help... prior to the PvP weekend, the yellow lightening symbol would show 25KB every now and again. I have sat here today and watched it reach 140MB... when it got to that, I quit the game, so not sure how much higher that would rise.