Ages of Guild Wars - In fashion of Classes
Bold for short version
Of course I understand that people learn from and try to copy a working concept from each other to sort out working concepts from those that work less good, its simple evolution or "free market" or whatever.
But the simple minded behaviour of most of the GW comunity is so funny and ridiculous its not funyn anymore. They just try to copy each other till the end of time instead of developing own concepts.
I Noticed that Mo>W>R>Me>E>N>Mo (W is suprtior to Ranger ...), strangely the "in" classes cycle the same way and not in the opposite direction!
Lets walk trough a parodised GW history and just think about the results of each "epochs" that mostly still last in the game by their "quotes" that represent the actual in-fashion-class.
-Dawn of mankind:
Barely anyone had an idea about what he was doing. By simply saying "stay together and attack the target I call by pressing T" you could win 5 games in row. Monks were dominant in this age like no other class in any age will ever become because everyone just ran around randomly like a lemming.
-> "Firestorm fraking ownz. If only I had a fire staff and would not be dead."
"The Warrior/Monk was the firs class that got played a lot and because it could struggle AND survive on its own easily it migrated quickly.
Allthough many who migrated too quickly away from Alesia died, most of them prospered even if they only used the same 8 skills from Ascalon to The Ring of Fire Islands.
They strongly influenced their environment and lead many other prehistoric life forms to the edge of extinction and beyond."
-> "We need a tank because its the best class of all"
-Stone Age:
Warriormonks founded arenas with a few other classes, and of course they had fights with each other and of course they were the happier the faster a fight was won by one or another.
This was were the term "more damage" was born, the importance of this radical change in general strategy only exceeds by its absolute irrelevance in how to actually win a battle.
Every day I hear someone in Teamspeak saying "more damage" up to 3 times in a sentence, it makes my ears bleed!
-> "But .... need more damage and ... with that ... More damage!"
-Copper Age:
Players got seriously pissed off by losing within seconds and the quick (and therefore generally wrong) solution "need more monks" was born.
But the team space was limited, monks and Warriors fought about who is the better class and as a side effect a 2 class system developed.
Monks had iron ingots, Warriors had money, a perfect trade.
Of course there have been some other classes but their role was just inferior. With a monk in the team its also easyer to blame someone for diing.
-> "Looking for one more monks. hey were are all the monks? HEAL!"
-Bronze Age:
The simple fact that Monks are slightly superior to warriors in duels only got noticed by Elementalists, because they were superior to both of them, just slightly more to Monks. Of course this didnt stop Warriors from telling everyone to target the monks first to win (or lose) as quick as possible. (am I the only one who sees the paradoxon here).
Here Monks Also became really popular for farming.
-> "Get their monks first!!! Rez plz ... REZ... OMG REZ ... NOOB MONK!!!"
-Iron Age:
This is were team builds were born that were basically made of only one or 2 different classes and barely out of more than 3 or 4 different classes. They were simple and effective, but not because they were the best but more because they were simple. Most learned a basic "a efeats b concept" and learned how to behave in certain circumstances.
With that understanding of strategy even warriors learned to farm just like monks (of course less efficient but who cares).
-> "Spiker trapping Tank looking to make the uber build with only 2 or 3 different classes in it"
-Classical antiquity, Hellenistic Greece:
A very interestring but relatively short epoch of quickly evoluting strategies.
Mesmers Necromancers and Rangers almost got rated as high as all other classes (Democracy of all classes).
It ended so soon because people had to find ways to protect against others damage spike builds.
-> "Lets just play and try out new stuff, dont leave please. ... noobs NOOBS!"
-Roman Empire:
As long as there was a Senate of 2 healing consuls, err monks, and an army of warriors nearly any build seemed to work. More or less. Because most by know knew what to use against what they had a wide range of Strategies and most times even a plan how to do things. Sadly most times they lacked in basic defense or damage prevention so they just overran each other causing high Death penaltis on both sides.
-> "Full team loking for one more monk and a warrior"
-Dark Age:
The "spirit of Max damage", plenty of warriors and monks lead to an absolute over usage of air elementalists and many quick deaths. Some groups for their first time managed to kill the unworthys in less than 30 seconds. Global temperature decreased because of all the frozen soils, the only skills used by necromancers were tainted flesh and putrid explusion and the only skills used by monks were Word of Haling and marthyr because of all the disease. Gothic Warriors found out they can do "more damage" by using Aftershock after their hammer attacks.
-> "Air ele and Kd/As looking for spike group"
-Middle Ages:
Enchantments got removed quicker and spell casting got interrupted more often, at first by teams of necromancers and mesmers and soon just by one or 2 rangers.
Rangers proven most effective in defense, especially against the ton of air eles running around, quickly got superior to all classes once they learned to work as a team. They found exploits and purely lame behaviour to throne in their castles of spirits for centuries.
-> "Ranger looking for Ranger Build."
-Romantic Aera:
With Rangers barely being seen anymore and elementalists smiting the hell ouf of it mesmers finally rise to become the new in-class. Iconically the romantic aera is similar to the dark age when Me/E are used as air spikers.
-> "Goddamn mesmer got me again."
New continents full of new strategy ressourses have been found, but instead of learning from the new foreign cultures they just have been smited to death by elementalitst that found out how to do even "more damage!" than in stone age and dark age together.
On the bright side in most colonies new ideas and ideologies about guild wars builds prospered.
-> "EMo smiter looking for smite group"
People had enough from the Ranger Monarchy. Their spirit-fortresses simply got destroyed (by updated skills) and the "Democracy of all classes" like in Classical antiquity raised again. Now the lower class even had the skill slots for a pet.
-> "I will avenge you!"
-Industrial Revolution:
By now each class had its own Age but necromancers. I wonder how this will be. And i dont mean the suicide necro build. its so stupid and easy to cover from, its not worth breing mentioned more. I bet people will find out how to melee with necros, jummy.
-> "lets make that build"
edit. note the romantic aera, the rise of the mesmers, got deelayed in guild wars because of spirit spam exploits.
Of course I understand that people learn from and try to copy a working concept from each other to sort out working concepts from those that work less good, its simple evolution or "free market" or whatever.
But the simple minded behaviour of most of the GW comunity is so funny and ridiculous its not funyn anymore. They just try to copy each other till the end of time instead of developing own concepts.
I Noticed that Mo>W>R>Me>E>N>Mo (W is suprtior to Ranger ...), strangely the "in" classes cycle the same way and not in the opposite direction!
Lets walk trough a parodised GW history and just think about the results of each "epochs" that mostly still last in the game by their "quotes" that represent the actual in-fashion-class.
-Dawn of mankind:
Barely anyone had an idea about what he was doing. By simply saying "stay together and attack the target I call by pressing T" you could win 5 games in row. Monks were dominant in this age like no other class in any age will ever become because everyone just ran around randomly like a lemming.
-> "Firestorm fraking ownz. If only I had a fire staff and would not be dead."
"The Warrior/Monk was the firs class that got played a lot and because it could struggle AND survive on its own easily it migrated quickly.
Allthough many who migrated too quickly away from Alesia died, most of them prospered even if they only used the same 8 skills from Ascalon to The Ring of Fire Islands.
They strongly influenced their environment and lead many other prehistoric life forms to the edge of extinction and beyond."
-> "We need a tank because its the best class of all"
-Stone Age:
Warriormonks founded arenas with a few other classes, and of course they had fights with each other and of course they were the happier the faster a fight was won by one or another.
This was were the term "more damage" was born, the importance of this radical change in general strategy only exceeds by its absolute irrelevance in how to actually win a battle.
Every day I hear someone in Teamspeak saying "more damage" up to 3 times in a sentence, it makes my ears bleed!
-> "But .... need more damage and ... with that ... More damage!"
-Copper Age:
Players got seriously pissed off by losing within seconds and the quick (and therefore generally wrong) solution "need more monks" was born.
But the team space was limited, monks and Warriors fought about who is the better class and as a side effect a 2 class system developed.
Monks had iron ingots, Warriors had money, a perfect trade.
Of course there have been some other classes but their role was just inferior. With a monk in the team its also easyer to blame someone for diing.
-> "Looking for one more monks. hey were are all the monks? HEAL!"
-Bronze Age:
The simple fact that Monks are slightly superior to warriors in duels only got noticed by Elementalists, because they were superior to both of them, just slightly more to Monks. Of course this didnt stop Warriors from telling everyone to target the monks first to win (or lose) as quick as possible. (am I the only one who sees the paradoxon here).
Here Monks Also became really popular for farming.
-> "Get their monks first!!! Rez plz ... REZ... OMG REZ ... NOOB MONK!!!"
-Iron Age:
This is were team builds were born that were basically made of only one or 2 different classes and barely out of more than 3 or 4 different classes. They were simple and effective, but not because they were the best but more because they were simple. Most learned a basic "a efeats b concept" and learned how to behave in certain circumstances.
With that understanding of strategy even warriors learned to farm just like monks (of course less efficient but who cares).
-> "Spiker trapping Tank looking to make the uber build with only 2 or 3 different classes in it"
-Classical antiquity, Hellenistic Greece:
A very interestring but relatively short epoch of quickly evoluting strategies.
Mesmers Necromancers and Rangers almost got rated as high as all other classes (Democracy of all classes).
It ended so soon because people had to find ways to protect against others damage spike builds.
-> "Lets just play and try out new stuff, dont leave please. ... noobs NOOBS!"
-Roman Empire:
As long as there was a Senate of 2 healing consuls, err monks, and an army of warriors nearly any build seemed to work. More or less. Because most by know knew what to use against what they had a wide range of Strategies and most times even a plan how to do things. Sadly most times they lacked in basic defense or damage prevention so they just overran each other causing high Death penaltis on both sides.
-> "Full team loking for one more monk and a warrior"
-Dark Age:
The "spirit of Max damage", plenty of warriors and monks lead to an absolute over usage of air elementalists and many quick deaths. Some groups for their first time managed to kill the unworthys in less than 30 seconds. Global temperature decreased because of all the frozen soils, the only skills used by necromancers were tainted flesh and putrid explusion and the only skills used by monks were Word of Haling and marthyr because of all the disease. Gothic Warriors found out they can do "more damage" by using Aftershock after their hammer attacks.
-> "Air ele and Kd/As looking for spike group"
-Middle Ages:
Enchantments got removed quicker and spell casting got interrupted more often, at first by teams of necromancers and mesmers and soon just by one or 2 rangers.
Rangers proven most effective in defense, especially against the ton of air eles running around, quickly got superior to all classes once they learned to work as a team. They found exploits and purely lame behaviour to throne in their castles of spirits for centuries.
-> "Ranger looking for Ranger Build."
-Romantic Aera:
With Rangers barely being seen anymore and elementalists smiting the hell ouf of it mesmers finally rise to become the new in-class. Iconically the romantic aera is similar to the dark age when Me/E are used as air spikers.
-> "Goddamn mesmer got me again."
New continents full of new strategy ressourses have been found, but instead of learning from the new foreign cultures they just have been smited to death by elementalitst that found out how to do even "more damage!" than in stone age and dark age together.
On the bright side in most colonies new ideas and ideologies about guild wars builds prospered.
-> "EMo smiter looking for smite group"
People had enough from the Ranger Monarchy. Their spirit-fortresses simply got destroyed (by updated skills) and the "Democracy of all classes" like in Classical antiquity raised again. Now the lower class even had the skill slots for a pet.
-> "I will avenge you!"
-Industrial Revolution:
By now each class had its own Age but necromancers. I wonder how this will be. And i dont mean the suicide necro build. its so stupid and easy to cover from, its not worth breing mentioned more. I bet people will find out how to melee with necros, jummy.
-> "lets make that build"
edit. note the romantic aera, the rise of the mesmers, got deelayed in guild wars because of spirit spam exploits.
Interesting read, showing the progression/evolution of some of the game mechanics.
Im too tired to read all that crap.. so whatever you think is fine.
Originally Posted by Kassad
Im too tired to read all that crap.. so whatever you think is fine.
To the OP: Thanks for the good read. Put a smile on my face
Ok fine i read it, what about Future Age though?
you determine it!
Auntie I
Oh my, that was good. I remember the {Insert Favorite Age} period fondly!
Bravo.A fine read indeed.I do wonder what is the future of GuildWars though.
that's for us to decide but a funny read.
Divinitys Creature
Good Stuff.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Cheers, mate.
Its a good read.
Its a good read.
I know i'm bumping a rather old post, but its quite interesting. Something I don't exactly agree on however is air spike builds. They came in a bit before the HoH Scene was changed into unworthy's. There was also a time in there when Swords seem to reigned all that is man, then after many effortful posts and examples, Axes are now seen more than swords (Woohoo!). Also, where are the ranger spikes? They seem to dominate TA fairly often, not too sure about HoH but they should atleast be recognized somewhere below the IWAY.
BTW- The main cause of the romantic period was because of the Nerf of all Nerfs. Slap chain lightning and natures renewel and suddenly new builds were popping out like baby boomers.
BTW- The main cause of the romantic period was because of the Nerf of all Nerfs. Slap chain lightning and natures renewel and suddenly new builds were popping out like baby boomers.