Hey guys. I was just curious as to which hammer you guys feel looks the coolest? Also, what hammer is the rarest?
Best looking Hammer...
I think Mursaat Hammers look the coolest..... but thats just me.
I like twin hammers. Mursaat are ugly in my opinion, Although rare to find a decent one.
I find the ball hammers cool
Oryaka Drake
Honestly this is a thread with as many answers as there are hammers.. because everyone likes something different. I could cite which ones i believe are the best, but the next person will have different views. Like personally i believe crystaline swords and fellblades are pieces of shit, and would rather have a longsword with the same mods.
Tulkas the Breaker
I mostly like Rams Hammer - it looks awesome with silver dyed 15k platemail

Originally Posted by Foppe
I find the ball hammers cool
Same here.
Mugon M. Musashi
Righteous Maul, Ball Hammer
Bingley Joe
Definitely the Ball Hammer for me. Followed by the one that looks like a spikey wind-chime (War hammer, maybe?).
Those two just look like they mean business
Those two just look like they mean business

Knight of Eternal Darknes
Ball hammer for me
Spikey one too
Spikey one too