Just curious as to whether or not anyone knows if Crystaline swords are able to be dropped out of key chests? So far, I don't think this is possible...
Crystaline Question...
I dont farm around FoW so I wouldnt know; and if they did drop Purple or gold ones i bet we would hear about this....
Iv heard before about "rumors" of getting a crystalline drop always from "the first chest" after you do so many quests; I disreguard any rumor till its proven either screen shot or video.
Iv heard before about "rumors" of getting a crystalline drop always from "the first chest" after you do so many quests; I disreguard any rumor till its proven either screen shot or video.
Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
Iv heard before about "rumors" of getting a crystalline drop always from "the first chest" after you do so many quests
some one else told me of this rumor about getting a crystalline drop from the "first chest"
in FoW; supposivly your not to open the first chest untill u did like i think it was 5 quest's.
Iv never been to FoW; iv heard this from a few people in ToA; and a few friends that do FoW but some how they never back it up; they said someone else did; or they died before they got the quest's done, so i classify it as a "rumor" like the rumor about monstrous stuff being used or ruby's and saph's having a use...
in FoW; supposivly your not to open the first chest untill u did like i think it was 5 quest's.
Iv never been to FoW; iv heard this from a few people in ToA; and a few friends that do FoW but some how they never back it up; they said someone else did; or they died before they got the quest's done, so i classify it as a "rumor" like the rumor about monstrous stuff being used or ruby's and saph's having a use...
i think that those key chests ONLY drop rare and purple,huh? cauz i heard rumors about getting rubies in some of those.... i d say this is BS
well this was before the key's where needed. i havent heard any "rumors" seince the update.
Raz Silverwing
In my latest run to FoW there was a unlocked chest after we did Defending the temple of war and it had a crystalline
:O More FOW trips for all!