Ever wonder why some people always seem happy with their lives, always find things around them interesting and enjoyable, while some people always seem angry about their family, work, society, country, world, universe? I do, and I've made some obervations.
People who tend to enjoy things around them don't always have a better income, drive a better car nor have a better house than those who feel they are the red haired step child of god.
Some people go to work and think, oh god, the start of yet another 8 hours of work. Some people may think, the start of my day of prositive contribution to my society, I am worth something. So they enjoy their work, or at least not looking at the clock every 7 mins waiting for 5pm.
Some people come out of a movie and think, this movie sucks, the script sucks, the acting sucks, who would do that in real life? Some people think, that an interesting movie with twisted story line. Acting is not that great, but not everyone in RL gives prefect reaction to every event anyway, so the acting is realistic. So they get more out of their $7 ticket than the angry guy, or at least doesn't have a fault mood going home.
Some people play GW and think, geez, this is so boring, my profession sucks, my built sucks, yet another mission that is either too easy or too hard, the random pug is going to suck, the henchmen suck, the healing mobs suck, the boss mobs suck, the mission npcs suck, economy sucks, spamming trade messages in local channel sucks, ANet sucks.
While some people double click on the GW icon and think, nice muisc, nice graphics, I'll get to continue on the epic quest of slaying the evil and saving Ascalon, I'll be a hero will kill a lot of mobs, maybe I can try some new skills tonight, maybe I'll get some gold and purple drops, I'll get to meet new people and some of them are so silly that I'll laugh, maybe I'll find a good group tonight, if not I can always go with henchmen.
Yeah, GW has short comings, so does everything. But I take those are the charactrists of the game. This mission has annoying healing boss mob? ok, I'll bring shutdown/interrupt/energy steal skills. This skill gets countered easy? ok, I'll change/mix in another skill. black dye too expensive? fine, I'll dye my armor red until a black dye drops for me. nobody wants to buy my godly max fiery sword for 50k? fine I'll use it myself or sell it cheaper.
Those are all challanges to me, not something ANet needs to nerf/fix. If ANet nerfs something, fine, I'll adept and change and I still win.
Of course, the objective factors are important too. If I have the america's most disguesting job, maybe I'll be counting the minutes too. Luckily I don't.
Or if I have a crappy computer, with a 13" monitor on 640x480 and 60Hz refresh rate, with 10 frames per second redering, no sound or crappy speakers with AM quality sound, lousy internet connection with 900ms ping to the GW server, I may hate my GW playing experience too.
Luckily I have a decent computer, 17" monitor, 4.1 speaker than rocks my chair when firestorm hits, crispy sound of metal against metal when my sword hits enemy armor, and my gf leaves me alone for couple hours when I play GW, I really get to enjoy GW (and gaming in general) a lot.
Sorry for the long winded version of if the glass half empty of half full theory. But can we actually change our thinking, from half empty to half full? Yes, I believe.
In summary: How to Enjoy GW? good playing environment with a positive mentality. The real world doesn't end if we fail a mission to save the quest NPC from the ultimate evil. We can change our strategy and try again. It is a game after all.