Does Obsidian Flesh protect agaisnt IW? The text of OF says that the person cant be the target of spells. And even though IW doesnt really target anyone, the damage is still spell related and damage is done only by targeting the person.
This may be a stupid question, but I just wanted to know.
Obsidian Flesh vs Illusionary Weaponry
Arcanis the Omnipotent
IW targets the caster himself. IW doesn't target the enemy.
Go figure yourself.
Go figure yourself.
Mario 64 Master
Illusionary Weaponry is not a spell that you use against opponents. It's an enchantment you cast on yourself that simply adjusts the damage you do when you swing with attacks. (Just like Strength of Honor, for example)
Of course I've never tested it myself, but my guess is that it wouldn't protect you from that damage.
Of course I've never tested it myself, but my guess is that it wouldn't protect you from that damage.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
That's what I was thinking too. The only type of spell that would protect you from IW, other than breaking the enchantment, would be an opposing enchantment that reduced all recieved damage.
And it would have to be worded as such. "Recieved Damage". Since its not Physical or Elemental Damage specificallly.
And it would have to be worded as such. "Recieved Damage". Since its not Physical or Elemental Damage specificallly.
Breaking the enchantment is your best bet.
Mandy Memory
cripple and run is your absolute best bet if your a warrior....which is the main target of IW builds
otherwise...just run and hit them
otherwise...just run and hit them
IW = an enchantment, it doesn't target you
Vermilion Okeanos
If you have obsidian flesh on and run into middle of an AoE... you still get hurt...
the only thing it do about spell is that spell can't cast on you, but you are not uneffected by spell that is working currently.
the only thing it do about spell is that spell can't cast on you, but you are not uneffected by spell that is working currently.
Originally Posted by Mario 64 Master
Illusionary Weaponry is not a spell that you use against opponents. It's an enchantment you cast on yourself that simply adjusts the damage you do when you swing with attacks. (Just like Strength of Honor, for example)
OF only prevents enemies from targeting you with spells. Spells that aren't cast on you specifically will have their normal effect. (So not only IW, but AoE spells not centered on you, hexes that were cast on you before you put up OF, etc.)