I'm looking for a buyer of unidentified gold armors. Is anyone still buying these things to unlock runes? I also have a couple of gold weapons that are unidentified (all max damage or very close to): Spatha, Air Staff, Water Wand, Summit Hammer, Twin Hammer.
I'm really looking for someone who can buy these things on a regular basis, since I find them a lot. Contact me ingame on Kraven Striker, or in this post, or via Forum PM if you're interested in this kind of deal.
WTS Unid Gold Armor and Gold Weaponry
ill buy unid armour, pm me in game my ign undead garthamonda or email me [email protected] ill buy each for 500gp
i'll buy them 600 each
Sir Kristoph
i'll buy unidentified gold armor = 700gp each
IGN = Sir Kristoph
or email/msn me at mp3kla(at)gmail.com
IGN = Sir Kristoph
or email/msn me at mp3kla(at)gmail.com
ill pay 1k each as many as u can find.