Hello, i'm selling this perfect mod for staves
Staf wrapping of enchanting
Enchantment last 20% longer - max mod
Starting Bid : 10K
B/o : 60K
Thanks, good bidding.
PERFECT : Staff wrapping of enchanting
Aeryn Dimeneira
Jm Equinoxx
Jm Equinoxx
I'll buy out. IGN: Major Hut
Aeryn Dimeneira
Ok sold out for trim by buyout, I'll tell you in game later today.
Aeryn Dimeneira
Staff wrapping is back on sale since buyer canceled his auction ...
SO you can bid again thx.
SO you can bid again thx.
OK -- I'll buy it out then. I'll be on tonight.
<-- ign
<-- ign
Aeryn Dimeneira
OK I'll tell you as soon as I can, if you're not online at that time I'll add you to my friend list to keep track on you =)
Sounds good. I'll be on this afternoon by 4 pm Eastern and then for several hours tonight.