What do PvE groups need from W/M's?

Xue Yi Liang

Xue Yi Liang

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Northern CA

Outlaws of the Water Margin


The fact that you're asking what a party expects from a W/Mo shows a good deal of consideration. You're on the right track already, in my book.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Primary role: This holds true in my mind no matter what other people say, Warrior/Mo are damage absorbers. At the same time they have skills to lay a world of hurt on opponents.

Secondary: Caster killer - Most casters have weak armour and can be quickly taken down by warriors. Here the difference between someone with a brain and his team in mind, and the "n00b" who thinks he is invulnerable is seen. The Primary role should always be remembered, but quickly taking out healers/casters can turn a battle.

Ked Taal

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005

Department of Death and Taxes


And please, for the love of God, when your monk sends "My energy is 3 of 54", don't reply "My health is 483 of 555" and go charging off. I don't know why everyone has to click their health bar when I'm asking for time to recharge my healing energy. If you are going to go after a small group and you know you won't need heals, let your monk know so he doesn't think you're just ignoring his energy request. It's all part of the teamwork that makes a group more fun.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




The leadership ability of a W/Mo is very important. I hate having to run the show with a caster--it's like begging a cat to do one's bidding. A commanding W/Mo can make all the difference, since he's the one who makes the tactical decisions of what to fight and when. The right W/Mo is the skipper of the vessel and the man behind the wheel.

The best way to be a good leader as a W/Mo is to

a. know the mission and/or area in which you're fighting
b. call the targets, know the kill priorities (monks first, bosses last)
c. clearly draw arrows, x's, and walls, etc, on the maps
d. give verbal instructions or descriptions of what's gonna happen to your teammates

Only rarely will people fail to comply with or chose to bicker with an assertive W/Mo, and when they do, it often doesn't matter because the W/Mo is initiating the action anyway. At the very least, the other members of the group will know what the plan is, having a chance to be prepared. Also, having to make fewer decisions makes the rest of the team more effective since they can focus on nuking or healing; so the odds are that people will quickly just give in and do your bidding anyway--it's just easier.

If you can take charge as the W/Mo, your team will likely succeed, assuming you know how to survive.

PS. Healing Hands kicks arse as a survival skill.

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Originally Posted by wsmcasey
"Waiting for the team to regen is good, but the best warriors can draw aggro and stay alive for well over 7 minutes without a team's help."

I'd like to see you pull that crap in the UW or FOW.
Oh, but I can in UW... I just let them mob me whilst I do Enfeebling Blood. When it goes off, I have 4 Aataxes with Weakness and then I hide behind my Bonetti's Defense while Mark of Pain kills them...

Just cause you don't possess the know-how to fight like a manly man doesn't mean I'm not...


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ancient Spirits


Originally Posted by Yukito Kunisaki
W/Mo's in pve are separated into two categories. The tank, and the idiot...

I think the warrior is very good at running and getting all the agro. Then the rest of the team comes up and wipes the mobs.

1)A monk has an easier time healing one warrior than 8 party members.

2)An elementalist has an easier time with AOE damage when the mobs are grouped around one person.

3)And any class has it easier when they are not getting beat on, interrupted, energy drained, etc...

Thats what makes it nice to have a true tank. Beware if you play in groups that use this tactic everything gets just a little too easy. It is always more challenging to have the Wa grab 2-3 groups of mobs and drag them back and disperse them to all party members except the warrior. Now that is the fun way to play.

Originally Posted by Yukito Kunisaki
Oh, but I can in UW... I just let them mob me whilst I do Enfeebling Blood. When it goes off, I have 4 Aataxes with Weakness and then I hide behind my Bonetti's Defense while Mark of Pain kills them...

Just cause you don't possess the know-how to fight like a manly man doesn't mean I'm not...
Umm... how does a Wa/Mo use Enfeebling Blood and Mark of Pain. Sorry just sticking with the OP topic.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Albino Chocobo
Long and short of it is, I don't have the heart to turn down people just because we already have 3 Eles in the party (did that once, 4 Eles, 1 Monk and me as Wa/Mo, big fun .
This is one of the best things I have heard anyone say on this forum. Congratulations! You've learned to have fun and not worry about squeezing the last .002% out of a build.

Another thing for PvE Tanks to do is LISTEN. You might have aggro'd correctly, been patient and everything else, but if the casters start calling target on a priest/monk/necro they are doing it for a reason. Likewise, sometimes they need to call you back to them to deal with stray enemies beating us down