Blocking/evading and adrenaline
My characters have never had a Warrior profession as either their primary or secondary, so I'm not too familiar with adrenaline. When using a stance that blocks incoming attacks, do you gain adrenaline for successfully blocking? What about evading (I doubt it for evading, but might as well ask)?
Depends on what stance you are using, read the descriptions associated with the skill, it will tell what will happen if a sucessful dodge or block.
You only gain adrenaline when you land attacks, take damage, or use a skill that specifically says you will gain adrenaline (like Balthazar's Spirit). However, adrenaline gain from taking damage and balthazar's spirit is very small.
I hate going against devourer or stone elementals as they can block/evade most of my attacks.
But yeah, adrenaline for attacking is gained IMO by the strength of your attack or by the amount of damage you take. The more damage I seem to take, the faster my adrenaline builds. I have used skills that raise my armor, help me move/attack faster with an increase of adrenaline gain. As you learn new warrior skills, you'll have to see what works for you.
But yeah, adrenaline for attacking is gained IMO by the strength of your attack or by the amount of damage you take. The more damage I seem to take, the faster my adrenaline builds. I have used skills that raise my armor, help me move/attack faster with an increase of adrenaline gain. As you learn new warrior skills, you'll have to see what works for you.
brute blake
also about adrenaline is it true that the higher dmg that skill does the longer it takes to recharge (adrenaline skill that is not a normal that cost energy) like in my skill bar i have sever arter,gush,galrath slash and final thrust as 4 adrenaline skills 2 healing and sumthing else i cant remember and sevr artery and gush always charge up much faster then galrath slash and final yeah..
Originally Posted by brute blake
also about adrenaline is it true that the higher dmg that skill does the longer it takes to recharge (adrenaline skill that is not a normal that cost energy) like in my skill bar i have sever arter,gush,galrath slash and final thrust as 4 adrenaline skills 2 healing and sumthing else i cant remember and sevr artery and gush always charge up much faster then galrath slash and final yeah..
Go here for a ton on information on adrenaline.