I finally tracking down the nice collector's items for my fire mage and I was wondering if the same effect is also on the weapon and the foci stack.
The fire wand has 20% for fire skill recharge and the collector fire focus also the same 20%, do they stack = 40% or does it default to the "highest" instance only.
Do same conditions on foci & weapons stack?
Yes, they stack - i have a necro wand and focus item, and they each have a 10% chance of reduced cast time. Usually on a long cast-time spell it just goes shorter, but occasionally it happens almost instantly - that is the two reduce cast times happening to coincide and stack
They don't "stack" but the game tests both chances seperately. So you have two 20% chances of faster whatever. Sometimes both chances fire (4% chance) and you get a hyper fast regen/cast time/whatever.