I was getting ready to join my first FoW group when I realized that I had just changed out my armor and my new armor wasn't infused. Does it matter for FOW? What about UW? In any case, I declined the invite and instead went and ran to get infused. Of course, by the time I finished the group was gone and I couldn't find another, but I decided that was the best course of action because I didn't want to make them mad if it was a "given" that everyone is infused.
So was I worrying over nothing?
Infusion needed for FOW or UW?
So was I worrying over nothing? |
Doh! Missed my first shot at a FoW group. Oh well, more chances later, I guess.
Infusion only helps versus the Mursaat and Jade, I believe
Speaking of infused, where is the run to get infused? I have asscended, and murrsats or whatever they are are killing me bad in ice caves of sorrow mission.
It's during one of the missions in the southern shiverpeaks. It's part of the mission. Avoid them and keep pushing through and you will get to the mission that infused. You will want to repeat it for your other armor.
Ahh ok, Im' just not there yet then
Great thank you, I guess I'll have rescue Evennia without infused armor.
Great thank you, I guess I'll have rescue Evennia without infused armor.
Originally Posted by Claymore
Speaking of infused, where is the run to get infused? I have asscended, and murrsats or whatever they are are killing me bad in ice caves of sorrow mission.
you can get infused in iron mines, the mission right after ice caves. after that, the mursaat won't be such a big problem.
and to the OP, nope you don't need to get infused since there are no mursaat in fow or uw. good luck on your first few trips to fow. remember, be patient and don't talk to any npc's.
For the Ice Caves of Sorrow, you can avoid the Mursaat and Jades, so no infusion is necessary. You'll first get infused in the next mission, the Iron Mines of Moladune.
There are other places to get infused too: you can do it in Mineral Springs, north of the Granite Citadel in the Southern Shiverpeaks; or, you can do it in the Ring of Fire missions too.
There are other places to get infused too: you can do it in Mineral Springs, north of the Granite Citadel in the Southern Shiverpeaks; or, you can do it in the Ring of Fire missions too.
OK thanks all, guess I'll have to work on my dodge tactics, the dwarves are a pain in the arse in this mission too, they are everywhere!