With my warrior, i played the game, didnt pay anyone to run me to somewhere, bypassing the story. Now, i reached Droknar's forge, and I bough the Knight's Armor.
Well, it suck to see like lvl 12-13 wearing this armor. I mean, they just paid someone to run them to Drok. They didnt even do the game.
So why they dont put a min requirement for these items? For ex, to be able to use the 1500g armors, you must be lvl 19-20, (well have ascended).
The reward of having this armor after playing soo long is not that big, since any newbe is walking with this armor.
Items availabitlity VS char level
Eomer Brightblade
It makes it easier for people who already have one character to start another one and make it through the game more easily. Doing all the quests again gets old really fast.
I played through it all with my first 3 characters but on my 4th I just couldn't bring myself to go through it all again.
I played through it all with my first 3 characters but on my 4th I just couldn't bring myself to go through it all again.
If you want a status symbol, buy the 15k armors or the fissure set.
Eomer Brightblade
Originally Posted by AeroLion
If you want a status symbol, buy the 15k armors or the fissure set.
For the 15k, im getting there.