Nec/Ran Build

Moon Requiem

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

12 (10 + rune + helm) Blood magic
12 (10 + rune + wand) Death magic
10 (9 + rune) Soul reaping
7 Wilderness survival

Life syphon
Poison arrow (newbie bow in "F2")
Tainted Flesh (disease 22 seconds)
Demonic Flesh
Dark Bond
Animate Bone Horror
Charm Animal
Taste of Death


-10 arrow of regen. Disease can spread... so dont use on meleers.
Pets and Minions.

[color=red]Double posted to add : [/color]

Any guild recruiting private message me. I know a lot about the game and I have great PvP experience (Ultima Online and Shadowbane for 5 years)