Quest: The Hunter's Horn, problem


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Hi all, I'm on this quest:
The Hunter's Horn
Quest Starter: Chantalle the Troubadour [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Cleanse the Hunter's Horn and give it to Aidan
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Aidan
Difficulty and Comments: The healing spring to clean the horn is deep into the
Regent Valley. About the point at which you get to the Melandru Stalker
Shrine, enemies will be aggressive with you. You can do this first half of the
quest with the Sample Ranger Skill Trainer quest. Once you have cleaned the
horn, you need to give it to Aidan.

How do I clean the horn? I was in the spring at the *-area and killed all the creatures there. Nothing happend, I tried dropping it...nothing...

Greetings a GW-newbie


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Another question:
From Gwen (and her flute) I got a: Tapestry Shred. What can I do with it?
For the rest: If I keep giving stuff to here, will it help me out further on? I know she's healing me a bit when she playes the flute.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Walking into the designated bit of water should have done it for you .. perhaps a bug, try again i guess.

Gwens tapestry currently is useless, one day it is believed that it will be goood for something ... one day.
Her healing you with her flute is about all she does.
Have you bought her a cape yet? she loves capes.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Army of Fairies


Move your mouse over the water, it will "highlight" the actual place of the healing spring. After that just click on it and you're done!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sg Knights


You can hold "Alt" and see healing spring text and click on it too. The spring can be sneaked in from Wizard Folly's fishing village(lesser mobs on the way).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by cagan
Walking into the designated bit of water should have done it for you .. perhaps a bug, try again i guess.

Gwens tapestry currently is useless, one day it is believed that it will be goood for something ... one day.
Her healing you with her flute is about all she does.
Have you bought her a cape yet? she loves capes.
1 day... so for now I can get rid of it in my inventory, I can use the space.
I did buy here a cape, darn thing costed 200
Thanks for the replies!!


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

try giving gwen some flowers



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Geez, I had gotten stuck on that quest too. I abandoned it a while ago and am post searing now, but at least I can know how to do it when I make a second character now.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Scott Township, PA

Iron Rangers


Everyone should learn the different game functions tied to keys. hitting left alt will show you all drops, npcs, area border signs. left ctrl in an instance will show you all the monsters in your map radius. There are many more keys, learn them, they will make your gameplay much more efficient and enjoyable.

Bingley Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Philosophers of Denravi

Originally Posted by sandstorm87
try giving gwen some flowers

By the time she's coughed up the Tapestry Shred you're better off just selling them for the 5gp.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Santanus_Perro
Everyone should learn the different game functions tied to keys. hitting left alt will show you all drops, npcs, area border signs. left ctrl in an instance will show you all the monsters in your map radius. There are many more keys, learn them, they will make your gameplay much more efficient and enjoyable.
Is there allready a thread about this on these board? I've been browsing it a little bit but couldn't find it. I'm also using the keyboard explanation next to my monitor.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005


Pulci Pazzi [itch]


The best one is the 'enter' key for chat...forgetting to press it and running all over the place aggroing mobs and not being able to see them because of all the open windows...your PUG will love you for it :-)

But back on topic, yes 'alt' will show you the good stuff, 'crtl' the scary stuff. Get used to using these along with selecting specific targets to target healers/spellcasters first, too many players it seems just use target nearest and have no idea of what the enemy groups consist of.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Now I'm in the next fase of GW and found Gwen's broken flute again. Is this usefull? I've searched the forums and so but couldn't find a purpose for it now.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Nope, Gwen's Broken Flute does nothing. Just there for the effect. Neither does her Tattered Cape do anything.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Louisville, KY

[RoK] Riddle of Kings


This has gone off-topic of original post, but I felt I should give my 2 cents worth:

I created a PvP only char and stuck him at the Competition Arenas (random area), where there is storage.

With my PvE char, I got:
- belt pack
- 2 bags
- 2 expansion runes of holding
I put these in storage, switched to my PvP char and went to storage. I got the bags, etc.. and expanded everything. Now I have a PvP char with the same holding capacity as my main PvE char.

I have:
- new flute
- flower
- new girl's cape
- broken flute
- tattered girl's cape
- tapestry shred
- tapestry
All Gwen stuff - in case the game turns one day, bring's her back, and these items' may be useful (recognition of who you are, gifts to gain favor, offerings to open quest/mission, etc...). I store these items on my PvP char, along with sellable items or items I wish to use or give to current or future Guildmates. This char can also be a Gold storage unit when the max is reached on my main PvE char (I have a LOOOOONG way to go for that).

In a nutshell.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Canada, Gatineau



Originally Posted by Savio
Nope, Gwen's Broken Flute does nothing. Just there for the effect. Neither does her Tattered Cape do anything.
I,m not sure but aren't these items are actually redeamable to Sarah in the UW? She's Gwen's mom. If you have Gwen follow you in Pre-searing, she rants about different things and mentions her mother is an herbalist called Sarah. There's also the dried up flower I think somewhere.... don't remember clearly.

Anyways it's supposed to be a secret quest and i'v never tried it myself, but I talked to Gwen's mother and she mentions Gwen too. I,ll try brinigner her those items and II'll post the results.
I asked a few ppl around and they said they got Xp and/or rewards giving her the items.

anyways: The same thing happened to me with the hunter's horn, I dipped it threw it in the weater went back and forth...nothign.

i left the quest, re-did it still...nothing. I think it's a bug.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


I did end it as suggested with the left Alt key so it does work.

If the stuff works that you want to try, with what are you going to try it? A new character? I think Gwen is only for the area where you spawn first?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by DuVeL
I did end it as suggested with the left Alt key so it does work.

If the stuff works that you want to try, with what are you going to try it? A new character? I think Gwen is only for the area where you spawn first?
simply go to *options* in the menu and there is the entire list of keys and what they do as well as being able to reassign them

change them to fit your whim and make life easier