My wife and I were talking the other night about the limitations dyeing your armor offers.
On alot of suits, when you dye the stuff, you are really only dyeing the trim and none of the main area that comprises the armor.
This needs to change!
How about a dye 'emblar' that would allow you to dye both the trim and the main areas any color that you have in your inventory?
Even a preview window?
Can you say, "another gold-sink, plz!"?
And this idea would really blow out the possibilities for tweaking your armor anyway you like it. The Dye trader would be busier than ever and the entire player community could let the creative juices flow without restriction.
What do you say?
Dying to Dye with options!
Very good idea!
Damon Windwalker
Why does it "need" to change?
I would agree that it would be cool - but not that it "needs" to be that way.
I would agree that it would be cool - but not that it "needs" to be that way.
Ok, ok.. maybe not 'NEED' insofar as semantics are concerned.
Certainly none of us will die if this change doesn't come about, nor will any harm come to us.
It will not be missed like food or water would be missed if not supplied regularly, and it won't make us any smarter.
No, no! You are right!
'NEED' is too strong a word.
Therefore, I defer to the way you put it:
" would be cool.."
Thanks much
Certainly none of us will die if this change doesn't come about, nor will any harm come to us.
It will not be missed like food or water would be missed if not supplied regularly, and it won't make us any smarter.
No, no! You are right!
'NEED' is too strong a word.
Therefore, I defer to the way you put it:
" would be cool.."
Thanks much
Draco Hunt
Signed perfect id to get more options on dying but maybe they also should bring the prices of dyes down so its easier to mix them to

beleg curudin
I would love this. Its such a let down when you get that awesome armor, and you go to dye it. And you can't even see what changed its such a small effect. If I wanna dye my Fissure helm blue I want to know i did it. The icons in your inventory just taunt you when you dye it. Because thats what really changes color.
P.S don't ever try dyeing a healing ankh. it doesn't work.
P.S don't ever try dyeing a healing ankh. it doesn't work.
Tmm Ryan
Totally agree with you. There wud b more variation in armors, and no longer everyones looking the same

I just read the new thread about dye ideas and thought there was some relevance to this thread.
Buying dye in bulk would make more sense if, not only you were guild shopping but also had more options, zones, areas on your existing armor to dye in the first place.
No more wasting dye on an outfit just to see an end result of black 'trim'.
TRIM?? Are you kidding me?!?!
And the main portions of the armor remain their default color. Not cool!
Let us have the ability to truly dye our armor and not just the trim
/sign it
/bump it
/pass it on
Buying dye in bulk would make more sense if, not only you were guild shopping but also had more options, zones, areas on your existing armor to dye in the first place.
No more wasting dye on an outfit just to see an end result of black 'trim'.
TRIM?? Are you kidding me?!?!
And the main portions of the armor remain their default color. Not cool!
Let us have the ability to truly dye our armor and not just the trim

/sign it
/bump it
/pass it on
Sai of Winter
There should be also a way to tone your dyed amor/weapons. Such as making it darker or lighter without just using silver and black dye.
Chronos the Defiler
i like it, but the prices REALLY need to be lowered if people were to even begin fiddling with more than 1 set of dying color for each piece of armor, the prices are the main problem i think.
right now i have a necro with Fanatics armor with extremely bright green (almost neon) color on it, and noone knows how i got the color like that (and i like to keep it that way, but i will post a screenie anyways)
right now i have a necro with Fanatics armor with extremely bright green (almost neon) color on it, and noone knows how i got the color like that (and i like to keep it that way, but i will post a screenie anyways)