How do I get dyes?
I've been playing for a few days now, hanging out in pre-searing until I can finish every mission I can find, and I haven't come across a singe dye yet except for one I bought from someone for 10g.
Does anyone know where a good place to get dyes is? Or do I have to wait for post-searing?
Any help would be nice. I don't like the colors I am stuck with now.
Does anyone know where a good place to get dyes is? Or do I have to wait for post-searing?
Any help would be nice. I don't like the colors I am stuck with now.
Olfin Bedwere
Pre is better for getting dyes. Kill the Skale outside Fort Ranik and/or the spiders and bandits. I usually get about 2-3 dye every 5-10 runs and I mostly just kill the Skale. When this dries up I go West of the Barrdin Estates and kill the Bandits back there. You can also get a good bit of gold as there is a merchant South of the Estate in the instanced zone that you can sell stuff to when your inventory gets full. Plus there are alot of seed back there so you get alot of Unnatural Seeds and Worn Belts which stack in inventory so you can carry more. It`s my opinion that your wasting dye if you color your Pre armour. As soon as you hit Post Ascalon City you`ll be upgrading.
Daegul Mistweaver
Olfin has the right of it. The stretch between Fort Ranik and the tamer+Ranger trainer is the best spot for getting dye; and pre-searing is better hunting than post. Though I've personally had better luck from the bandits in that area.
Trouble is that, aside from black dye, you can farm the gold needed to purchase your dye (at 140-250ish, 6-800ish for silver) faster than you can farm dye yourself even in pre-searing. Takes about 15 minutes for a fast run through that strip and you'll average 2 every 3 trips. You can exceed 1 plat in half hour easy at level 20, which will net you more dye by far if you're spending on nothing but.
Trouble is that, aside from black dye, you can farm the gold needed to purchase your dye (at 140-250ish, 6-800ish for silver) faster than you can farm dye yourself even in pre-searing. Takes about 15 minutes for a fast run through that strip and you'll average 2 every 3 trips. You can exceed 1 plat in half hour easy at level 20, which will net you more dye by far if you're spending on nothing but.
I'll add, armor upgrades are too frequent in this game. At some point toward the middle-end you will have access to max armor, which will be a more reasonable time to focus on aesthetics.
Also, you can actually choose your armor color (except black) when creating a PvP character, which interestingly enough, is also max armor.
Also, you can actually choose your armor color (except black) when creating a PvP character, which interestingly enough, is also max armor.
Very useful stuff. Thank you very much. I don't think I have found Fort Ranik yet, but I'm sure I'll find it because I am roaming around quite a bit. Unless someone can guide me to it.
Olfin Bedwere
South East of Ascalon City through Regent Valley. When you go into Regent Valley instaed of taking the path to the right, go over the hill to the left and folow the path down there. You should cross 2 bridges and go uner a large pillar type bridge just before you come to Fort Ranik.
Thanks! Found it! and I have already gotten two dyes. Tougher Enemies, but I am leveling up faster now too. I will spend a lot of time here. Now if I can just find out where I can stash things to save for later. Any clues?
(I also need to make a cool avatar or signature for this forum site)
(I also need to make a cool avatar or signature for this forum site)
You can't unfortunately.
The best you can do pre-searing is get a belt pouch.
You can't get bags or have access to storage yet.
The best you can do pre-searing is get a belt pouch.
You can't get bags or have access to storage yet.
Olfin Bedwere
You`ll have to settle for an Avatar, sigs are turned off for bandwidth reasons.
Originally Posted by cagan
You can't unfortunately.
The best you can do pre-searing is get a belt pouch. You can't get bags or have access to storage yet. |
(btw, I made my avatar, which is a screenshot of my Elementalist/Monk. Hope you all like it.)
Olfin Bedwere
Last time I check the dye trader, which was about a week ago, Silver was going a little over 700 and Black was 7800. The days of 18k for Black are long gone.
That's good to know. So in post-searing there are Dye traders that you buy dyes from? Where are the best places to find dyes in Post?
A while back a guild mate of mine told me he had found a dye crafter somewhere in the jungle. But i guess they took that out early on.
Olfin Bedwere
You know I haven`t really found a general spot that I find dyes in post because I`m always moving forward. I ran a friend of mine from Ascalon to Yaks Bend the other day and had 2 Red and an Orange drop and he had a Blue drop.