How aboutzx an exampelee?
Reserved Names
GW team might want to reserve the NPC names...
How aboutzx an exampelee?
How aboutzx an exampelee?
lol yeah that might be a good idea, but you would have to be blind to not see whos a guard and whos not
hehe yah they might want to put some restrictions on the nameing of the characters

Rushing Wind
IMHO, it really doesn't take much to be creative to come up with your own name instead of having to loot another name cuz you can't even take the time to pull one off the top of your head. I mean, c'mon, how hard is it to come up with names?
Xerro Leingod
Originally Posted by AthrineChrono
lol yeah that might be a good idea, but you would have to be blind to not see whos a guard and whos not
This is not ment to be any sort flame thread, Bahala
It is simply an explanation of how names are imbalances, IW: Prince Rurik is reserved, yet "Ascalon Academy" Is not...
This is not ment to be any sort flame thread, Bahala
It is simply an explanation of how names are imbalances, IW: Prince Rurik is reserved, yet "Ascalon Academy" Is not...
Hah, I could swear I've seen you before. I didn't know that the NPC had that name until now. To be honest, it shouldn't make a big difference I suppose. They're just NPC names, nothing real big or important. You would have to start questioning if you saw a Prince Rurik (Or whatnot) mesmer running around though.