1.) Removed
2.) Gold Mursaat Horn Bow (YES, the mursaat appearance)
15-28 Damage (Req. 10)
+ 13% Dmg ABOVE 50%hp
+ 5 Armor vs elemental attacks
Bid on the bow starts at 20k
B/O at 80k
3.) Gold Summit Axe
6-28 Damage (Req. 8)
+ 15% dmg while Enchanted
+ Lengthens Crippling Duration on foes
+ Enchantments last 15% Longer
Bid on the axe starts at 35k
B/O at 120k
** Sorry i made a mistake =/.The cleaver was 15<50 not 15>50 , sorry. I just decided to remove it. So #1 is gone.
*I reserve the right not to sell if i'm not satisfied with the bids.
Happy Bidding!
15>50 Cleaver, 15% enchant Summit axe, and 13>50 Mursaat Horn bow
35k on #3
IGN= Cobalt The Blue
IGN= Cobalt The Blue
mmm Cleaver = Dmg Below 50%...
Krn Hunter
#1 20k
"*I reserve the right not to sell if i'm not satisfied with the bids."???
but then y set a minimum bid? if u set a minimum arnt u satisfied wit it?
"*I reserve the right not to sell if i'm not satisfied with the bids."???
but then y set a minimum bid? if u set a minimum arnt u satisfied wit it?