Pics of Fully Grown Pets
Ashleigh McMahon
Please can people post pics of your level 20 fully grown pets please.
I'd like to see, so I can decide what too get.
Regards, Ashleigh.
I'd like to see, so I can decide what too get.
Regards, Ashleigh.
Here's a picture taken at the frozen lake in Mineral Springs - long before the recent update.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
Ashleigh McMahon
Originally Posted by sledgeunderhill
Here's a picture taken at the frozen lake in Mineral Springs - long before the recent update.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
Wow That Hog's Huge!
Do Lynxs grow large?
Thanks for the replys
Keep em coming!
Regards, Ashleigh.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
Wow That Hog's Huge!
Do Lynxs grow large?
Thanks for the replys

Keep em coming!
Regards, Ashleigh.
Sai of Winter
My pet Stalker, Ryshin.
pets change in time...?
Trinity Arnithia
Lynx do change. I only got mine up to about level 15 but alread it was a bit larger than level 5 lynx.
I did not know that pets change over time, this makes me want to get one...what about the UW spider, I doubt it does since it comes at lvl 20 but I wouldnt know.
Originally Posted by smurfhunter
pets change in time...?
The pets change two ways:
They get larger. I saw a screenshot of a tiny ranger that had a level 20 bear that was taller than her at the shoulder. My warthog stands above the waist of my ranger and is rather ugly except for the flapping ears.
And depending on the play style, they will evolve to either deal more damage w/less life OR deal less damage but have more life.
If you name your pet, you won't know when your pet reaches the stages of this evolution.
I've had my warthog since pre-searing and would never trade him in, not even for an UW spider.
The pets change two ways:
They get larger. I saw a screenshot of a tiny ranger that had a level 20 bear that was taller than her at the shoulder. My warthog stands above the waist of my ranger and is rather ugly except for the flapping ears.
And depending on the play style, they will evolve to either deal more damage w/less life OR deal less damage but have more life.
If you name your pet, you won't know when your pet reaches the stages of this evolution.
I've had my warthog since pre-searing and would never trade him in, not even for an UW spider.

My lv17 bear... I don't expect him to get any bigger.
This is my pet lvl 20
Sean Connery
Heres my spider.
My ranger and pet bear
WOw, never knew they got that large. o_O
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Originally Posted by sledgeunderhill
Here's a picture taken at the frozen lake in Mineral Springs - long before the recent update.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
Huh, so that's what the Tamers do with the animals.... I wondered where they keep getting the supplies of Giant Pigs in Yak's.
My pet stopped evolving at Hearty Warthog, which is fine by me.
Huh, so that's what the Tamers do with the animals.... I wondered where they keep getting the supplies of Giant Pigs in Yak's.
Grigori Sokolov
Me and Lamarr

I finally found the link for that picture of the little ranger and a big bear.
I didn't want to rehost the image, so here's the link:
I didn't want to rehost the image, so here's the link:
Swarnt Brightstar
Does the dune lizard ever get larger, I had one, but it never grew...
Jack Lost
Originally Posted by sledgeunderhill
I finally found the link for that picture of the little ranger and a big bear.
I didn't want to rehost the image, so here's the link: LOL if i faced that id be so scared ^^"
I didn't want to rehost the image, so here's the link: LOL if i faced that id be so scared ^^"
can they get any bigger/better after lvl 20?
Just get a pet at level 5, and maintain 16/12 (pending on class) at all times, if possible. This (through some experimentation...) seems to increase the pet size. I've tested it with the boar and wolf, and they have appeared to be larger than all lvl20 pets of the same type.
I'm not sure if its the case of having 16 beast (as I did so with my ranger), or if it's just some random number thrown in somewhere, but it is what I have seemed to take effect.
Try it... as again I am not 100% on this.
I'm not sure if its the case of having 16 beast (as I did so with my ranger), or if it's just some random number thrown in somewhere, but it is what I have seemed to take effect.
Try it... as again I am not 100% on this.
brute blake
W0W that bnear next to that guys charr IS !!HUGE!! I HAVE A LVL 3 RANGER AND I ALREADY NO WAT TYPE OF PET HES GONNA HAVE!
Swarnt Brightstar
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Does the dune lizard ever get larger, I had one, but it never grew...