I was in vent with some guildies and all of a sudden everyone disconnected, and right now i and everyone else cant log back into guild wars. anyone know the reason?
Having trouble logging in?
Oy Roy
No Just about everyone lagged out. There are a few sole survivors, but everyone else can't get in.
SomeTimes things just break. I have been affected as well. Give the GW team Time. They'll set things right as soon as they can.
oh i thought my ISP was restarting... so i cooked up some popcorn and grabed a dr pepper.
My guildy is one of the few people still in. He's running tombs right now and getting some easy sigils and fame.
Xue Yi Liang
This is what happens when you keep a billygoat at the server site - you're only asking for trouble....
I was just about to rape team arenas with my guild when I got logged out.
May all the firey wrath of all the gods in heaven and hell scortch your genitals, Err=7!
May all the firey wrath of all the gods in heaven and hell scortch your genitals, Err=7!
According to my Guild Leader, who writes virus protection programs to use on the internet, 10% of all Guild Wars up and 90% were dropped.
We have reason to believe that giant roaches shot ANets servers and caused the crash. No cats were hurt.
We have reason to believe that giant roaches shot ANets servers and caused the crash. No cats were hurt.
It has been almost one day now, and I still cannot connect. Im receiving NetErr=58.
Can anyone else connect? If so, then I may have problems with my firewall/router settings that's not allowing GW to connect. But just want to make sure if it's just me, or if these connection problems are still affecting everyone.
Can anyone else connect? If so, then I may have problems with my firewall/router settings that's not allowing GW to connect. But just want to make sure if it's just me, or if these connection problems are still affecting everyone.