Search for the armor piercing bow...

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Just read in an interview that ONE of the bows has latent armor piercing [as in not stupid like sundering's %]

I did a search in this forum and found nothing regarding "Armor Piercing Bow".

I think the Horn Bow is the one with latent armor piercing but I'm not sure if I can find the thread that justifies this.

I'm a beast build. [remote control warrior] and need to do as much damage as possible with what little marksmanship I have with my beast dealing the full brunt...

I figured an armor piercer at range would work. [I'm not going in close with short/half-moons unless I get charged... I want my pet to aggro, not myself.]

Currently, my combat set should consist of...

The 'armor piercing bow' [still guessing it's horn bow]
Longbow [for moving targets at range]
Flatbow [for stationary targets at range, most likely being tanked]
Half-Moon [for when I screwed up and I'm the tank...]

In general I'd use the armor piercer but depending on situation, I'd switch up to the others. I'd probably use a crippling bow since I don't do poison, sundering sucks, and that degen from zealous counteracts Ferocious Strike {E}. [then again, I may just get 4 zealous anyway due to cripple being curable quickly] All of them would be Zealous of Fortitude in any case...


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


ANet has never officially come out and said which one has armor piercing inherent to it. Gaile has said in a past interview though that one of them does. It is believed to be the horn bow but this is purely based on the Prima guide which says that. I don't believe anyone has done any formal testing to confirm it.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

horn bow is the best bow to be use with quickshot.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I have no direct knowledge of bows, but you might want to try out the different types of 'evil' bows. ie: dead bows.

For Wands, Dark Damage ignores armor. If there is a bow that deals Dark Damage, it should ignore armore as well.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

I was mucking around with this and this is what I found. With a 14-27 horn bow I did 16-41 dmg.

With a max dmg, customized Storm Bow, I did 14-24.

Holy crap, thats a difference! I thought not customizing the horn bow was gonna screw up the experiment, but it only further proved the point, I think.

[edit] For more info, I was experimenting on the lone rockshot devourer outside augury rock in prophets path.

One and Two

One and Two

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
For Wands, Dark Damage ignores armor. If there is a bow that deals Dark Damage, it should ignore armore as well.
Im pretty darn sure thats wrong. I believe that holy/dark/shadow damage only ignores armor with skills.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

There's a bit of misinformation in here:

-No bow deals damage other than piercing, unless it has one of the three elemental mods.
-All weapons take into account armor. Spells, on the other hand, that are holy-based, chaos-based, or necromancer/darkness based will ignore armor.

The main bows that reportedly penetrate armor are all in the horn bow class. These include: Horn bows, Shadow bows, and Ivory bows. I might've missed one, but that's all that comes to mind.

Also, if dead bows follow the same trend as dead staves, there can be many different types, including horn dead bows.