Got following for trade
Axe grip enchanting 20% Minimum:45k, b/o=65k
Furious axe haft 10% Minimum: 60k, b/o=80k
Sundering axe haft 10/10 Minimum: 60k, b/o=80k
Axe grip defense +5 always Minimum: 5k, b/o=10k
Furious sword hilt 10% Minumum: 100k, b/o=120k
Staff wrap +30hp Minimum: 60k, b/o=80k
Hale staff head +30hp Minimum: 55k, b/o=70k
Insightful staff head +5energy Minimum: 15k, b/o=20k
Staff wrapping enchanting 20% Minimum: 90k, b/o=110k
Vampiric hammer haft 5:1 Minimum: 25k, b/o=40k
Also got a +5 energy longsword for minimum 80k, b/o=100k.
Will close in 12 hours once minimums have been met.
Key words: upgrade, perfect, sundering, furious, enchanting, wrapping, haft, hilt, grip, pommel, +5 energy
please leave ign.
[B]Lots of Perfect upgrades 20%, 10/10's, +30hp's, 10%furious's[/B]
Grimm Evil
Sorry I withdraw forgot I sold my axe...and don't have enough for the sword hilt anymore.
65k for furious