Who has the most wins in Team Arena ?

Wrath of m0o

Wrath of m0o

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Boston Ma.

Is That Your Build[HaHa]


Just went 65 wins in Yacks Bend Arena, broke old record of 49 wins. Nice run but im sure that some of you out there have done much better. Just wondered if there was ever any thought to implementing a win ladder for Team Arenas. Post your best Team Arena wins screenshot. Ill post mine as soon as i figure out how to add a pic. Made some great new friends in this 65 win streak, and SO many enemies ! Oh the Hate tells !

I made level 16 and 40% of my next level, Two of us made level 16 another made 15 and the monk i gave a minor vigor rune to was 13. I also gave the mesmer a +60 health Staff i had from sorrows furnace, so he was happy to accept it, we had so much fun he joined our guild. We went unstoppable untill the other 16 wa/mo had to leave and we got another 13 necro. Found out you cant use scrolls in pvp arena, but you can sell things. Carry a minor vigor and some things that might help your team.
So, who holds the record for most consecutive wins in PVP arena ?
Sure wish they would add a win ladder for Team Arena, that would be cool.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Houston, Tejas

Morbidly Obese Terror Squad


This is what I forsee this posting turning into:

"you take green weapons into yaks? you're such a noob if you need to do that to win in pvp. Get a life."

P.S. I personally don't care if you do take droks/elites/greens to ascalon/yaks arenas, as I never play there

Good luck on that win streak tho


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Thornhill, ON, CAN

yak's bend isn't really a team arena it's more for the newbies mainly to try out on a more competitive scale. so the streak is really meaningless unless you got that record in the lion's arch arenas which is where at least most people are on equal ground there. I saw the shiverpeak arenas a while ago usually it's just empty and you'll see the same few people go in over and over the rest just don't bother cause of the twinking . funny how I tried to join with a random button and the thing just resets 3 times cause not enough people joined for a team. then it's the same team you fight over and over cause they got the max stuff. yeah kinda boring after two tries, back to questing! The LA arena is where at least some good random fights are at. As for win ladders in team arena it would have to be for individuals and should also include a lose column cause anyone who grinds can get it there easily if it was just counting wins.

grim peirce

grim peirce

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

lethbridge ab canada


what are green items?!!!

Wrath of m0o

Wrath of m0o

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Boston Ma.

Is That Your Build[HaHa]


Wow, what a jerk...must have been one of the many hate tells.
Google search "United States of Whateva" !

A+ for Negativity though !
Anyone else ?

PS - I meant a consecutive win ladder, not just how many times you have won a pvp match. Same thing could work for holding HOH. What is the record for holding the Hall ? I think there should be some kind of ladder for these things.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

the best streaks only end because people have to leave and all


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Followers Of Master Jack


I like most other posters here don't do Yak's Bend or Ascolon. In Competition Arenas, 10+ streaks usually result from randomly getting placed with skilled people. Class/mix is not too relative, as far as BEST goes, and I think most veterans would agree with me. There are BAD mixes though, and I suppose we could start a list of those.

For example, I played mesmer and got teamed up with three other mesmers. We did good for awhile and I picked up from team communication that they were sharp, or at least comfortable, with their character. But once our main damage-dealer died, the rest of us eventually went down. Not a fault of skill, just a bad mix IMO.