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1* gold flamberge +15%>50% req 8, sundering 10/9, armor +5 c/o 200k b/o 250 k
2* gold flamberge +14%>50% req 7 B/O 80K
3* gold fellblade +14%>50 lengthens crippled , armor +5 aways req 9 !!!SOLD!!!! ingame B/O 170K
4* gold feathered longobow+15%>50%, req 9 encahtments +19% !!!SOLD!!!!
5* gold defender health +27 aways req 8 streng SOLD iN GAME by b/O 100k
6* gold flamberge +14%>50% req 8 b/o 65k !!!!!SOLD!!!
7 * gold feathered longobow+15%>50%, req 8 (icy and marksmanhip+1/15%) c/100 k in game by reikai tsubasa b/o 150k
8* gold shiled ornat bucler req 10tatics heath +29 aways c/o b/o 70k
9* GOLD BRUTE SWORD +14%>50% REQ 8 B/O 150K
10* gold flamberge +15%>50% req 10 b/o 140k
Luiza N and Cruz N in game
flamberge, fellblade, fheathered longbow.all perfect and near perfect dmg
news c/o in game
50k on #7 IGN Kanwulf The Viking
More Itens
Ruoenkruez Tudor
nice stuff
I know