Originally Posted by Sarus
You can attach runes to your armor and their are upgrades to weapons. You can't attach idols/artifacts/scrolls to your armor.
You don't really buy enchanted items. You get them as drops and or modify a weapon you already have.
The +20% damage is a customization option. Basically you get +20% damage but loose the ability to transfer the weapon to anyone else or sell it.
Ok I've got four characters, the highest being 11 almost 12 and I have yet to even see a rune, if by chance I do find one though is it just a matter of clicking the rune and selecting the armour like how dye is used or more to it?
You say there are upgrades to weapons, well like I said I've yet to see anything other than the crafters who add the +20% damage in either the beginers side or the city and camps which I've been to about five of over the north wall.
The only other enchanted weapons I've seen are the ones sold by crafters and or the drops, but nothing where I can modify and choose what enchantment is put on a weapon.
I don't really get the reason why they have set no transfer of weapons or armour from one to another cause if I have to do it like anyone else has to do it what's the big deal?
There really isn't a whole lot of differance between most of these items either, most all the stat enhancements are so much alike it's almost mondain checking to see what a drop has unless the text color is purple or yellow and I've only found one purple and no yellow text drop items of all four characters and about 40 hours of play.
Oh well famous last words, it's free online play and looks great, missions are ok and I love the dancing with divine effect.