Insightful Staff Head (Energy +1) 500g
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (ench last 11% longer) 400g
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (ench last 13% longer) 1.5k
Staff Wrapping of Curses (Curses +1 10% chance w/u skills) 300g
Staff Wrapping of Water Magic (Water +1 14% chance) 1k
Staff Wrapping of Inspiration Magic (Inspiration +1 14% chance) 1k
Sword Pommel of Defense (Armor +4) 1k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (Health +20) 700g
Crippling Axe Haft (Lengthens Crippled duration on foes) 700g
Ebon Bow String (Earth DMG) 1k
Bow Grip of Enchanting (Ench. last 15% longer) 2.5k
Bow Grip of Defense (Armor +4) 700g
Bow Grip of Marksmanship (marksmanship +1 12%) 500g
Bow Grip of Trollslaying (Dmg +14% vs trolls) 200g
Bow Grip of Warding (Armor +5 vs. elemental att.) 250g
IGN: Paige The Enchanted
WTS: Many Upgrades
Maybe I posted too late last night.