is it worth buying keys?
you all probably know about the new update with keys and locked chests and all. is it worth buying keys?
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Not really no. The items that are usually in chests arent even worth the money you use on the key. Its best to just use keys only if they drop.
chaos dragoon
i bought 1,and only 1 shiver key and got max gold short bow,req 9,8/10 sundering,+5 was worth it to me.
Little Thom's Bro
i bought10 keys and used 6 and i got superior vigor and some other crappy items, is it worth it, HELL YA
I've bought one key, and unlocked a sword pommel (not that I care for swords, but still).
I wouldn't buy any, except that they have an absolutely pitiful drop rate. Seriously, chests all over the keys.
I wouldn't buy any, except that they have an absolutely pitiful drop rate. Seriously, chests all over the keys.

They're not supposed to make you money, they're there so you can have a better chance at finding the item you've always wanted, without paying 100k or so for it.
Chests are for gambling. You pay 100-800g to play, and you never know what you are going to get.
Kai Nui
Well they can unlock a bit for you and you can always just say selling gold and purple items 1.5k-2k each to get rid of them for a profit.
Algren Cole
I bought 800 keys shiver peak keys when the update came of yet(i've used 10) it hasn't been worth it. Though I've heard some people get some nice drops
It's just like getting a gold or purple drop from a mob. Could be a 15%>50 10/10 sundering + 30 HP sword, or a +12% while hexes 6/10 furious, +5 vs ele sword.
If you'll pay 800g for an UnId'd purple rune or item, then it is 100% worth it.
If you'll pay 800g for an UnId'd purple rune or item, then it is 100% worth it.
sometimes i get great stuff from the chests, most times i get junk, so i would buy keys if i had absolutely nothing to save my gold for
I have played around with keys and have had some good, some bad drops using the chest outside citadel. I think it follows the same diminishing reward principle as monster drops do. First 1 or 2 runs, golds/good purples. After 3 or 4 zones, get crappy items. Just thought I'd share that incase anyone was thinking about trying it.
Sagius Truthbarron
Let's see.. I unlocked about 8 superior runes, 4 minors and 2 majors. I got two superior monk runes and one superior vigor all in a total of 2-4 hours play time (I haven't been playing much at all lately, I just sort of log on and off). In total, those last 3 runes made me 60k, not to mention the 16,000 faction I saved.
Oh, but for 600 gold?! No way is it worth it!
Oh, but for 600 gold?! No way is it worth it!
I'd say they are worth it, I've got +5 Armor/+30 HP Staff heads/Max Gold Fellblade with decent stats - items that can sell on the market for 80K - I've bought about 20 keys, Darkstone and Shiverpeak mainly... which is 12,000 Gold, ONE key has gotten me items that sell for about 7 times the total amount of keys I have bought... worth it I'd say