Pre-Searing Skills


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

I'm sort of new to the game and I just wondered if anyone would mind posting on this thread to help me and folks like me that are looking for the skill trainers in pre-searing? I have a ranger, and everyone said there are three npc's in searing for each profession that can give you skill quests....but I found 4 ranger trainers. The first is outside ascalon when you first exit, the second was in Reagent Valley, and there is also a third in reagent valley. The fourth that I found was in Wizard's Folly. If anyone knows, would you please be kind enough to list any npc's that give skills in pre-searing for each class? Are there 4 for each profession or 3 or what?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Rangers get the bonus of the 4th out of nowhere guy called Adian hes apart of the storyline, i dont think any other class gets a 4th one.




Join Date: May 2005


No offense really, but before posting a thread could you please make sure that there aren't already threads answering your question? You could try using the search feature..

Really, is it so hard to bother to even see what threads are on the 1st page? Because there is a thread tittled very similar to this thread which had a link to a guide which answers your questions...

As I said no offense intended, but next time can you please check all current threads (like the first 2 pages worth) as well as using the search feature to ensure your not just repeating the same question that's already been answered (and in this case answered just a few hours before your post..)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006


Originally Posted by kamatsu
No offense really, but before posting a thread could you please make sure that there aren't already threads answering your question? You could try using the search feature..

Really, is it so hard to bother to even see what threads are on the 1st page? Because there is a thread tittled very similar to this thread which had a link to a guide which answers your questions...

As I said no offense intended, but next time can you please check all current threads (like the first 2 pages worth) as well as using the search feature to ensure your not just repeating the same question that's already been answered (and in this case answered just a few hours before your post..)

Too funny I hate people that try to bash others but than say "NO OFFENSE"

1st of all dont send people on a wild goose chase on this long loading website.

2nd just give them a link to what there asking for!! not a thread that for another link to another link to another and so on. Isn't this the fastest growing thing and will never be ended?? How people are going to and will continue to make the same old thread that are already posted??

I mean some people are just learing fourms. No need to go on and on in all 3 paragraphs about using search or read the titles 1st. You made your point in ur 1st paragraph.

anyways sense this is the 1st search link that comes up in yahoo I'll do what this person didn't do!! I'll Give you the link as what the creator of this post was asking for::

This Takes awhile to load why not go to the next Link!!

As I think this link is worthless Because of the on going reading to find trainers/skills. So I decided to put a quicker way to help people that dont like to wait for long load time from sites like these.

Go here~~ It gives u what u need without having to go from 1 link to another!!Plus it loads in like 3 secs verses 10-20 secs from the link above and it gets to the point!!!

See how easy it was to answer this guys question????

Now as I know the person I quoted wont prolly come back here as others will try to bash me!!! This will be my only time to see this thread so save your breath and lets just help the people out!!!




Join Date: May 2005



If you will look at the dates on this post you will note that this thread is close to 1 1/2 years old. At the time of the thread, that link I gave in the other thread was appropriate and relevant and useful considering the information provided on this site and wiki at the time.

I am going to close this thread now. Posting in such an old thread is unneeded as it doesn't help the OP, although it might help other people who happen to read this thread. If you wish to discuss anything concerning this closure or my posting, please PM me.

Thread Closed.