Oldies but goodies
Me NoFat
I was wondering if everyone could post their collector items...those no longer available or very rare items....I have the Long Sword +5 energy that is no longer available...posting from work so no access to take a pic right now...it got me wondering what else is still out there available from only other players...and what is so hard to get that most will only get one with an instane amount of gold and the luck of finding a seller...pics would be nice but not necessary...suggest sale/buy price would also be nice to have but not needed.
Mario 64 Master
What's so special about that Marksmanship rune?
Fire Lord
It's blue, the new superior runes are gold.
Mario 64 Master
Ah yeah that's right... so if you had a rune from the before the update did they stay the same color? Or is that just an old screenshot?
They stay blue. I have a few runes that I had before the update and they are blue (major's & Superior's) while the major & superior's from after the update are purple & Gold respectively.