Where Do I Go For Altheanas Ashes
I followed the arrow and it lead me to a deadend and I went to charr fire temple and scouted it out a bit and couldnt find anyone there so where do I go.
there's a huge temple south of grendich courthouse. You need a good group. The road winds and forks a bit getting there, but you can eventually find it. You have to actually fight your way through all those charr to get to the altar.
That dosent help I actually killed alot of charr but Im not gonna kill every single one I need to know where it is exactly. I use henchmen so after I kill the first group and then the second where do I go from there. This is where you just enter the huge population area.
sorry but you should just give up
Shut up peter go back to your ditch.
Yeah, what our group done was go in, kill as many charr as we could in that group before we die, repeat. Took forever, but it was better then the alternative of going back, finding another group and starting again, HOPING that you could do it.
We figured out that if the Duke said we missed a spot on the ashes, one of them would scatter the ashes and spit in his face while I plant my hammer through it. Then we also figured that he would be the leader of the charr army at the end if he said that.
We figured out that if the Duke said we missed a spot on the ashes, one of them would scatter the ashes and spit in his face while I plant my hammer through it. Then we also figured that he would be the leader of the charr army at the end if he said that.
i dont get any arrow for this quest but i'm suppecting from where her ghost is, it a little deeper with crap load of charr, is this the right place?
Yep, unfortunately the arrow points to Regents Valley, which is completely opposite to where you have to go. I've already sent in a bug report about that one, so I dunno when or if it is fixed. but it's there at the top of the temple, behind a crapload of Charr.
I never got an arrow. The quickest way to go is from Nolani. You'll know you're there when you see 2-3 boss charr around a "charr altar." You just have to click on the altar to finish the quest.
Ok thats good but I still dont know where it is from the second group do I go left or wat cause I went to a high platform with like 10 guys.
Ashleigh McMahon
Never give up, try and try and try again.
That never worked for me, but I like been wise
Regards, Ashleigh.
That never worked for me, but I like been wise

Regards, Ashleigh.
Ok so Im in flame temple corridor right now and this is not where Im supposed to go? O Wait is it that huge open area where there are like at least 16 char and 2 bosses?
Yes, thats the place, something like 20+ charr with 2 bosses and if you hold down alt you'll see in yellow text "char altar."