Here's a pic of the bow:
Here's the stats:
Sundering Horn Bow of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health above 50%)
Armour Penetration +10% (chance 9%)
Health +26
No buyout. I will sell to the highest bidder at the end of the auction at 7PM GMT Monday 19th. I reserve the right not to sell the item.
I'll accept ectos at 8k and shards at 3k. I'll also consider taking other weapons in part exchange.
Btw, my location is England but I'm on the US server. Good luck and happy bidding.
Rare 15>50 mursaat style horn bow
Almighty Zi
if you accept trades please feel free to check out my items
Almighty Zi
Bump time
50k 2 start
Ruoenkruez Tudor
nice bow
150k on it pls
Almighty Zi
Final bump
201k ~_~
Almighty Zi
Sold to Sir Havoc for 100k and 15 ectos