bye gw
i dont see an aim in this game. theres no aim for a perfect weapon. they are more or less the same exept for the looks.theres no aim for a perfect armor set. fissure armor is the same as droknars armor they just look diffrent thats all. and selling things are way difficult now.yea i can pvp but whats the point. i gain fame and faction for more pvping. well kept me entertained for some time though. i used to farm alot but it gets boring. my storage is full now but what can i do with those weapons? sell them for more money or ectos? what can i do with the money and ectos? buy more weapons and craft more armor?
well im not here to critisize anet or guildwars. it is a really good game and ive enjoyed it for 3 months. but it definitely gets boring after a while. farewell gw.
well im not here to critisize anet or guildwars. it is a really good game and ive enjoyed it for 3 months. but it definitely gets boring after a while. farewell gw.
Originally Posted by thirtypercent
well im not here to critisize anet or guildwars. it is a really good game and ive enjoyed it for 3 months. but it definitely gets boring after a while. farewell gw. |

welcome back for chapter 2.
OBLIVION is what i am waiting for at the moment

Tigris Of Gaul
World of Warcraft would be a good fit for you.
PvP'ing time, my friend.
Originally Posted by thirtypercent
i dont see an aim in this game. theres no aim for a perfect weapon. they are more or less the same exept for the looks.theres no aim for a perfect armor set. fissure armor is the same as droknars armor they just look diffrent thats all.
Sounds like you just didn't get the point of the game. If you didn't get it, odds are my telling it to you won't help, but for anyone else reading this thread, the point IS NOT TO BECOME UBER THROUGH EQUIPMENT. Everyone has access to all the equipment, which makes for a balanced playing field. With the change to faction, everyone has access to pretty much any skill they could want for pvp with very little effort required. The point is to create a character, pick a set of skills and become good with that set.
Back when MtG was fairly young, I had a deck that I could beat just about every other deck with. It only had a couple rare cards in it. Maze of Ith and Demonic Tutor. Combo the maze with a Basalisk that you've dropped a lure on and your opponent will run out of creatures very fast, allowing you to crush him. I was beating people that had Moxen and black Lotus, cards that were considered UBER.
The point of this is, it's not what you have, but how you use what you have.
Originally Posted by Witchblade
But the number of ppl leaving GW seems to increase.... |

what counts is how many of them had a good time while they were playing it.
a break for something else and come back refreshed for chapter 2.
my plan at least and since there is no monthly fee i dont feel forced to play it if i am tired of it

Sounds like a more traditional MMORPG is more suited for you. Try WoW, EQ2 or lineage 2.
Originally Posted by thirtypercent
i dont see an aim in this game. theres no aim for a perfect weapon. they are more or less the same exept for the looks.theres no aim for a perfect armor set. fissure armor is the same as droknars armor they just look diffrent thats all. and selling things are way difficult now.yea i can pvp but whats the point. i gain fame and faction for more pvping. well kept me entertained for some time though. i used to farm alot but it gets boring. my storage is full now but what can i do with those weapons? sell them for more money or ectos? what can i do with the money and ectos? buy more weapons and craft more armor?
well im not here to critisize anet or guildwars. it is a really good game and ive enjoyed it for 3 months. but it definitely gets boring after a while. farewell gw. |
Otherwise it would've been called
Fian Adair
3 months entertainment out of any game is pretty good, especially when you consider all the time you've spent at it. Type /age and I doubt you'll find many games that will equal the hours you've spent on Guild Wars.
I just don't get these dramatic "farewell" posts, every game forum gets them, what's the point?
I just don't get these dramatic "farewell" posts, every game forum gets them, what's the point?
Too many people thought gw was eq/wow with no monthly fee T_T
Also, your expectations are extremely low if you consider 3 months of a multiplayer online game 'pretty good.' Maybe I just haven't dealt with crap games enough but considering I've been playing starcraft for 6 years off and on, cs for 2, and tribes for 3, 3 months of game time is really really bad for a quality game.
Also, your expectations are extremely low if you consider 3 months of a multiplayer online game 'pretty good.' Maybe I just haven't dealt with crap games enough but considering I've been playing starcraft for 6 years off and on, cs for 2, and tribes for 3, 3 months of game time is really really bad for a quality game.
Eet GnomeSmasher
So tired of people expecting/wanting this game to be "Farm Wars"
it has quite become "Idle-in-Town Wars" in a way

Originally Posted by Zeru
Too many people thought gw was eq/wow with no monthly fee T_T
Anet, for obvious reasons, did nothing to dispell the hype that Guild Wars was some sort of poor man's MMORPG.
Originally Posted by Zeru
Also, your expectations are extremely low if you consider 3 months of a multiplayer online game 'pretty good.' Maybe I just haven't dealt with crap games enough but considering I've been playing starcraft for 6 years off and on, cs for 2, and tribes for 3, 3 months of game time is really really bad for a quality game.
RPG players, however, have different needs to be met when it comes to lengthening replay value. This is somewhat of a harder thing to accomplish since the game needs to provide it, and not the players as in your examples.
Guild Wars doesn't provide infinite PvE-side grind.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Err... as much as I bash farming, I actually do enjoy it.... when I'm not FORCED to do it. What exactly is keeping you from farming? I don't get it. I may have all the items that I need but I still farm. It's really sad if the only way you'll enjoy a game is if you get "leet uber" items that no one has. I play because I find it fun... not so I can inflate my online ego with "perfect" items.
EDIT: What this game DOES need is more variety in how you play PVE and how you interact with the environment....which is very minimal considering how heavily they were touting how you can drastically change the landscape that you're in during the early days of GW beta.
EDIT: What this game DOES need is more variety in how you play PVE and how you interact with the environment....which is very minimal considering how heavily they were touting how you can drastically change the landscape that you're in during the early days of GW beta.
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
What this game DOES need is more variety in how you play PVE and how you interact with the environment....which is very minimal considering how heavily they were touting how you can drastically change the landscape that you're in during the early days of GW beta.
Slight changes in NPC dialogue and mob placement while on the quest does not a dynamic questing system make.
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
It's really sad if the only way you'll enjoy a game is if you get "leet uber" items that no one has. I play because I find it fun... not so I can inflate my online ego with "perfect" items.
EDIT: What this game DOES need is more variety in how you play PVE and how you interact with the environment....which is very minimal considering how heavily they were touting how you can drastically change the landscape that you're in during the early days of GW beta. |

i simply pick a area that i liked and havent been there for a while and explore it again and if i find something nice i consider it a bonus not what i came there for.
i think chapter 2 has much promise as they dont have the development overhead of the game engine and starting from scratch.
new content equal to the full original game has promise i think.
in any case i am having fun