|gold items|
half moon(12req)
max lighting damage
enchants last 18% longer
smiting rod(8req)
max damage
+3 energy(while enchanted)
max damage
-10 armor(while attacking)
summit warlord shield
max armor(10req)
+8armor(vs trolls)
+24 hp
air wand(12req)
max damage
+5 energy(while health above 50%)
earth wand(12req)
max damage
improve skill recharge(7%)
improve casting speed(10%)
half moon bow(12req)
max damage
+14% dmg(while health above 50%)
1/1 zealous
axe grip of axe mastery
+1 axe mastery(20%)
min bid 3k(except upgrade 1k)
increments of 2k
b/o for 15^50% bow is 30k
b/o for everything else is 7k
wts gold half moon bow 15%^50%
killer toast