I cant follow a target anymore , by pressing T
try to reset settings , try to reinstall guildwars,wont work.
Contacted guildwars themself and they know the problem ...
Any1 know what to do ??or got the same? post please
It happened in an update. T now sets the target, but you need to hit space to go after it, which is better IMO, especially for pvp where you don't necessarily want your target to know till everyone has them targeted

brute blake
is that only in pvp?? cuz i was farming in sorrows yesterday and *T* still worked didnt need to press *SPACE*.. lol so yeah..
Maybe you guys have "double-click to do it" on.
hmm...I didn't read the patch notes, or experiance any difficulty following targets. Now that I think about it though, I was doing this...feels much more natural, much easier. Good change.
Bingley Joe
Yeah, I was actually surprised to learn you didn't have to press Space to attack a called target before the patch!
just for sure , When someone calls target pvp hit T and then space ?
and i will follow the target?
gonna test it , realy thanks
and i will follow the target?
gonna test it , realy thanks
You'll follow and attack it once within range.
I've used spacebar since day 1 and have never used the T button.