There are still small pockets of the dreaded avicara around and since i was there to cap one of my last two monk skills, i thought i may as well cap glyph of energy from the ele boss.
My team only had a 15% DP but this group of avicara were doing around 300 damage with one hit!
It was as if i had gone into battle against mursaat with a 105 build. It was crazy. I died almost instantly and poor claude must have lost his health 5 times over but alesia was amazing with her healing and i got ressed pretty quickly.
Now, i know one of the avicara used fragility but it definitely wasn't that. It wasn't the dual shot with ignite arrows because i saw no damage information flash up.
It was instantaneous damage.
What the heck could have done 300 damage to both myself and claude? Even stefan went to half health from one hit! WTH?
New bug from introduction of titan quest? Godly l33t ele spell that i haven't met until now?
No hexes except fragilty, no conditions.....