Maximum Attribute > 16 ???

Wizard Yingu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

What is the Maximum Attribute Limit?

12 base,
+1 headgear
+3 Superior Rune
+2 Awaken the Blood (Necro) or Glyph of Elemental Power (Ele)
+1 From Focus 20%
+1 From Weapon 20%

That's 18-20 !!!

Do Skills get cap at Attr. Level 16? Do they benefit further from higher Attr. Level such as 18 or even 20?

I know the Health lost isn't worth it sometimes, and the Equipment +2 Attr. only happen 4% of the time. But can it work? Does it do anything at all?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005


I remember one of the builds that was popular relying on a 17 point cast of Balthazar's Spirit or something but then they closed off the window they were using by raising the min. energy loss on the skill.

So yeah, with the 20% items and the +2 skills you can get casts that go over 16 but I believe 16 is as high as your actual number will ever show in your Attribute window. Basically 16 is the highest sustainable number everything else is just spikes.

Saba The Hobo

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Wizard Yingu

Do Skills get cap at Attr. Level 16? Do they benefit further from higher Attr. Level such as 18 or even 20?
They don't cap at 16. You can get 18's (Glyph of Elemental Power//Awaken the Blood) or higher with the +1 20% items.

Wizard Yingu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

So if I have 16 in Blood Magic, I cast Awaken the Blood, then press "H", I still see 16? And do my spell have the same stats as a level 16? Or higher?

Saba The Hobo

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Wizard Yingu
So if I have 16 in Blood Magic, I cast Awaken the Blood, then press "H", I still see 16? And do my spell have the same stats as a level 16? Or higher?
It shows 18 on the [H] screen, and your skills have 18 attributes . I run my necro like that all the time .

Wizard Yingu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Saba The Hobo
It shows 18 on the [H] screen, and your skills have 18 attributes . I run my necro like that all the time .
Good to know... *Evil Laughter*



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Owen
I remember one of the builds that was popular relying on a 17 point cast of Balthazar's Spirit or something but then they closed off the window they were using by raising the min. energy loss on the skill.
Protective Bond, not Balthasar's Spirit. And yeah, it used to be at 17 Protection it would only cost 1 energy to reduce each damage source to 5% of max health...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

19 is probably max because I don't know of any weapons that have a percent chance to have skills +1, although I could be wrong.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

+1 20% on weapons and or icons don't stack
So i think the max would be 19.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Are you sure of that? I'm really curious and want to know.